
See: Project Gorgon

The Soapbox: Why I’m hopeful for the future of MMOs

Earlier this week, Justin asked what gives you hope for the future of the MMOs. As you might expect, the responses were many and...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 25: Project Gorgon interview

Justin and Eliot interview Project Gorgon's Eric Heimburg and hit the highlights of Gamescom 2015, including the WoW: Legion reveal.

Project Gorgon hits musical expansion stretch goal

With 12 days left to go in its Kickstarter campaign, indie MMO Project Gorgon is crossing off stretch goals left and right. The fantasy...
Everyone has their style, and apparently this race has a style best described as incongruous.

Project Gorgon unveils the Fae and answers community questions

Another player race has been unveiled on the Project Gorgon Kickstarter page, the Fae. If you like playing a magical race that flits around...

Heimburg: Project Gorgon is ‘the most ambitious thing I’ve ever attempted’

It seems like half the Massively staff has been playing Project Gorgon here lately, so we figured it was time to seek out the...
This is a cow song.

Project Gorgon unveils musical stretch goals

The Project Gorgon Kickstarter is humming along nicely this time around, and the developers have already passed the $25,000 stretch goal. So what's next...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 24: WoW speculation

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's next expansion, Trove, Project Gorgon, DDO, NCsoft's quarterly report, and Neverwinter, with mailbag questions on emotional investment and the state of the site.

The Stream Team: Seeking the secrets of shapeshifting in Project Gorgon

MassivelyOP's MJ took her first steps in Project Gorgon yesterday at the request of Patreon donor Linaea, exploring the tutorial cave, picking up spoons,...

The Stream Team: Giving Project Gorgon a go

Deciding which game to play can be hard for MassivelyOP's MJ, but thankfully sometimes our Patreon backers make it easy by choosing for her!...

The Daily Grind: How long did you spend in Project Gorgon’s tutorial?

I got sucked into Project Gorgon last night, and I spent over two hours wandering around the game's tutorial cave. There's a lot to...

Project Gorgon might not wipe before launch, adds Dwarf stretch goal

Big things are afoot for the Project Gorgon Kickstarter. The campaign, which passed its $20,000 crowdfunding goal this past Friday, put up two new...

Project Gorgon nears funding goal, reveals new races [Updated]

It's looking good for the imaginative Project Gorgon, as it has nearly reached its current Kickstarter crowdfunding goal after two past failed campaigns. The...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 23

Justin and Bree discuss Smed's resignation, Project Gorgon, Guild Wars 2's Tempest, Camelot's tribute, SWTOR's Togrutas, and WildStar's stat overhaul, with a buncha mailbag questions on Marvel Heroes.

Ambitious Project Gorgon is back on Kickstarter

Third time's the charm for Project Gorgon's Kickstarter, right? We hope so, as the ambitious indie fantasy sandpark is asking for a modest $20,000...

Project Gorgon preps second Kickstarter campaign, adds day-night cycle

Virtual world MMO Project Gorgon is preparing for a third Kickstarter campaign, its creator tweeted this past week. Eric Heimburg confirmed that the team...