electronic arts

Megacorp known to MMO gamers primarily for its ownership of BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic. EA has previously been the steward of Mythic Entertainment (which in turn once controlled Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot) as well as The Sims Online, Warhammer Online, and Dawngate.

Global Chat: You’re playing MMOs wrong

Have you ever lost your top when someone condescended to lecture you that you're playing MMORPGs wrong? You and Roger at Contains Moderate Peril...

World of Warcraft unlocks third wing of Tomb of Sargeras on raid finder

You just know that whenever another MMO is attempting to have a bright and bold day full of announcement joy, Blizzard is compelled to...
Roberts and Garriott

MMO dev and astronaut Richard Garriott hosts a Reddit AMA on /r/space today

Curious about astrophysics? The Massively OP Podcast brought on a special guest for a fun holiday bonus 'cast back in 2015 to answer a...
da da da da da da

SWTOR’s Update 5.4 will add a new flashpoint and player housing on a moving train

Now that Star Wars: The Old Republic players have mastered their emotions and the 5.3 update, it is time to gaze to the galaxy...

Hyperspace Beacon: The sexual harassment problem in SWTOR

As most of our readers probably know, I consider myself a member of the roleplay community in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have been...
Space tourist. SPACE TOURIST.

MMORPG veteran Richard Garriott decries ‘space tourist’ label

If you haven't figured it out, Shroud of the Avatar and Ultima Online's Richard Garriott is on a press tour lately for his new memoir,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 127: EVE walks no more

Justin and Bree discuss Secret World Legends, LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, EVE, SWTOR, Black Desert, Albion, and Citadel, plus a mailbag question on class and character investment in MMORPGs, with a special interview segment featuring ARK: Survival Evolved composer Gareth Coker.

The MOP Up: Crash Force offers arena fun at a discount (July 16, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Yes, money.

How to find the right MMORPG as a couple

People seemed to quite like my piece last week about how my wife and I wound up married in no small part due to...

The Stream Team: Diving into SWTOR’s new Manaan stronghold

SWTOR just introduced a new stronghold, and this one will help Massively OP's Larry and MJ cool off a bit in the summer heat....

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic’s mid-term report card

You would probably expect me to cover the new Star Wars: The Old Republic Manaan stronghold because it just released yesterday, and indeed, I will be...

SWTOR addresses legacy weapon tuning exploit

In a rare example of informing the community about the details of an exploit, Star Wars: The Old Republic put up a post on...
how DARE you

World of Warcraft announces $100K prize pool for Mythic Dungeon Invitational e-sports competition

World of Warcraft is giving e-sports another go. In a blog post going live this afternoon, Blizzard has announced the Mythic Dungeon Invitational, an...

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s 5.3 is live today with Sisters of Carnage, class updates, and new housing

Star Wars: The Old Republic's 5.3 patch is rolling out today, bringing with it the new underwater Manaan Stronghold home, the Sisters of Carnage...

The MOP Up: SMITE sees a Divine Light (July 9, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

SWTOR team explains the need for ‘sweeping and severe’ class changes

Is there anything more dread-inducing for an MMORPG player than hearing that massive class changes are incoming? You never know if you're going to...

Massively Overthinking: MMO ragequitting

Ragequitting. Most of us have probably done it once or twice from groups or single-player games or even MMO sessions in our time. My...

SWTOR teases next week’s raid bosses, seeks Galactic Starfighter feedback

Next week on July 11th, Star Wars: The Old Republic is going to unleash carnage with Update 5.3. The summer content patch will  change up...
Continue the epic struggle between good/evil teamups and neutral!

Star Wars: The Old Republic explains the changes coming to Engineer and Saboteur

Engineer Snipers and Saboteur Gunslingers are getting tuned down a bit in the next major patch for Star Wars: The Old Republic. The official...

Ultima Online adjusts animal training, gets ready to test Publish 98

Following Ultima Online's most recent update, animal training is at the forefront of many adventurer's minds. The overhaul to the system has received a lot...