eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC


EVE Online celebrates the Minmatar Liberation Day through July 19

As a general rule, EVE Online is fine with letting you choose how much or how little you want to be invested in the...

EVE Online takes a closer look at June’s visual and performance overhauls in a dev blog

Sure, EVE Online players have already been experiencing the visual improvements made in June's patch, but have they truly appreciated all of the fine...

EVE Online’s latest video digest takes a closer look at agent updates and its first narrative arc

EVE Online has put out its latest Pulse news digest video and it has plenty to talk about as part of the game's "EVE...

EVE Valkyrie gets an August 5 sunset date, begins the process of removing itself from digital store shelves

CCP Games has, at long last, confirmed what fans had already known: EVE Valkyrie, the first-person sci-fi dogfighting flight game, has gotten its final...

Downgraded sci-fi MMORPG Starborne Frontiers begins closed beta signups

Sci-fi MMORPG Starborne Frontiers has been on our radar a year now as the spawn of Iceland-based Solid Clouds, which as you could probably...
Zooming to the same dang nonsense.

EVE Online shows off its latest graphical upgrades and career improvements

The latest update for EVE Online is all about making the game pretty. Make it look better. Higher ship texture resolution with better compression,...

The Daily Grind: Do you play any MMOs merely out of habit?

MOP reader Slava recently wrote to us with an intriguing topic about playing MMOs out of habit more than out of enjoyment. "Back when I...

Massively Overthinking: The second big five MMOs

So here in the MMORPG genre, we've been working under the assumption for the last few years that the "big five" MMOs that dominate...
Bad decisions? We love those!

EVE Online kicks off a new Proving Grounds event that’s all about close combat

While EVE Online definitely features a lot of ship-to-ship combat, it is generally not combat that involves close-range options. Indeed, this new Proving Grounds...

EVE Online votes into office its 17th player council

Whittling down a field of 44 down to a final selection of 10, EVE Online's players have decided the next roster for the Council...

Massively Overthinking: Which classic MMOs hold up the best visually in 2022?

As one of our resident fans of old MMOs, I always have to clarify that it's the systems and ideas in old games that...

Star Citizen and EVE Online unveil a LEGO build-off challenge for prizes and charity

Last December, we spied the Twitter accounts of both Star Citizen and EVE Online trash-talking each other as a result of a fan-built Vulture...

EVE Online players robbed billions from interstellar banks this past May

It's probably a bad idea for the regular citizenry of EVE Online to put their funds into banks, if the game's May economic report...
Online, fine.

Global Chat: DC Universe Online lacks that ‘wow factor’

Are you heading into the summer season with the intent of sampling MMOs that you've never touched before? If so, then you'll find Virtual...

EVE Online’s ‘revitalized’ multiple character training monetization sends players into a tailspin

Why go through the "hassle" of having multiple accounts and multiboxing when you can pay more for the convenience of training multiple characters? That...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMO will be next to raise its subscription?

Almost three years ago, our writers and readers came together for a discussion about whether the age of the $15 subscription was coming to...

Global Chat: Is it a good idea for EVE Online to go back to expansions?

With traditional expansions back on the table for EVE Online, the question of whether it'll ultimately help the MMO looms in the galactic foreground. The...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 374: Star Citizen, one decade later

Justin and Bree discuss the state of Star Citizen, Final Fantasy XI's 20th birthday, Guild Wars 2's Sky Pirates, DDO's Isle of Dread, and EVE Online's EVE Anywhere, plus a mailbag topic on struggling with single-player games in the wake of MMOs.
Bless this hot mess.

EVE Anywhere cloud service browserfies EVE Online with today’s launch

If you've been angling to play EVE Online from the comfort of your couch or bed or car or treehouse or whatever without needing...

Dual Universe’s beta introduces an EVE Plex-like coupon for subscription time

Those who haven't been following Dual Universe for a long time may not realize that it's had a subscription system in its pre-launch state...