eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Hyperspace is a new MMORPG sandbox that sounds neat except for the blockchain play-to-earn parts

There's a new MMO on the horizon quite literally: It's called Hyperspace, and it's the first game from Scottish game studio Carbon Based Lifeforms....

EVE Online and Black Desert studio Pearl Abyss believes it can ‘create a stable blockchain ecosystem’

Pearl Abyss' Q4 2021 financials are a rollercoaster, my friends. The company is fine, so no panic there; in fact, it's operating revenue is...
Bad decisions? We love those!

EVE Online previews updates coming to structures, ore compression, and battleships ahead of Fanfest 2022

With the in-person Fanfest of EVE Online inching its way closer, CCP Games is hoping to spin up some hype for both the event...

EVE Online highlights Guardian’s Gala events and Anger Games 5 PvP tournament in latest video

EVE Online has put out the latest episode of EVE Pulse, and this one is almost entirely about the annual Guardian's Gala event. The...

EVE Online changes dynamic bounties and hands out prize ships to Alliance Tournament XVII winners

Congratulations to the winners of EVE Online's Alliance Tournament XVII! Here's your free ships. That's part of the latest update to the sandbox, which...
Morty mort.

Mortal Online 2 finally rolled out its queue patch, then it rolled back the server 24 hours

Just one day after talking up its player counts and marking out its ambitions to someday take on EVE Online, Mortal Online 2 is...

Mortal Online 2 promises fixes for long queues, hopes to someday rival EVE Online

Mortal Online 2 hasn't had the most auspicious of launches this last week, and all you need to do to know this is peek...

EVE Online player sets a new speed world record for visiting every star system in the game

EVE Online players will very likely be familiar with the name of Katia Sae, the character that visited every star system in the game...

Massively Overthinking: Do cross-IP collabs and promos in MMOs bother you?

Transmedia synergy. Let's just lead with that. We have a long tradition around here of teasing MMOs for jamming in these weird promotions with...

Global Chat: Does Doctor Who have a place in EVE Online?

As we crack open another edition of Global Chat, The Ancient Gaming Noob tackled the utter weirdness that is a cross-media promotion between EVE...

EVE Online’s surprise Doctor Who crossover event goes live

Like it or not (and the widely shared opinion around here appears to be "not"), the crossover event between the TV series Doctor Who...
is this doctor who

EVE Online offers guides for new players ahead of tomorrow’s Doctor Who crossover

The Interstellar Convergence - aka the improbable crossover event that links Doctor Who to EVE Online - is arriving to the space sandbox game...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 355: All your ships are belong to us

Justin, Colin, and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, Lost Ark, ArcheAge, Elyon, EVE Online, and Guild Wars 2, with adventures in LOTRO, ESO, and GW2, plus mailbag topics on choice in MMOs and resurrecting Landmark.
These spreadsheet dots need to look impressive.

EVE Online says farewell to DirectX 9 support today

When you're playing EVE Online without being zoomed out to the point wherein everything is just a dot on a tactical display, you may notice...

The Stream Team: Ready for Trove’s Renewus 2022

New Year's Eve may have a single ball drop, but Trove's Renewus has a bunch of bouncy balls that keep dropping! Even better, Massively...

Project Gorgon added a new six-person level 85 endgame dungeon right before the holidays

Just before the holidays, we noted that Project Gorgon was gearing up for its winter event along with an endgame content patch. In fact,...

EVE Online is kicking off a huge collab with Doctor Who next week

Well now, it's only the fourth day of January and we've already got a contender for most amazing and weird transmedia synergy cross-promotion of...

EVE Online recaps industry updates, winter events, and videos for Omega players

EVE Online has once again pulled together the updates and news stories for the game over the month of December into one little video...

CCP Games CEO voices support for NFTs and play-to-earn schemes but won’t link EVE Online to a blockchain

If you're an EVE Online fan, you might have been a bit concerned that the internet spaceship sandbox started dipping its toes into the...

Star Citizen and EVE Online appear to be gearing up for a community LEGO build-off

It all started with a tweet from Star Citizen, calling attention to an impressive LEGO build of a Drake Vulture (the builder even created...