
World of Warcraft preps bonus events and adventure guide for 6.2

What would it be like to play an MMO where every day presented a new event to enjoy? This will be the reality for...

Blizzard still succeeding despite World of Warcraft slide

There's no doubt that Blizzard took a mighty hit this past quarter as it lost three million World of Warcraft subscribers in the post-expansion,...

Conquer Online celebrates 12th anniversary with new content

Happy birthday to Conquer Online, which turns 12 years old today. The title is throwing a month-long series of in-game events to celebrate the...

Mo’s Egg Hunt: Deals for May 7, 2015

It's time for another exciting roundup of Newegg's best deals here on Massively Overpowered. These deals are available through the links provided below. Just remember they're...

Destiny prepares to throw players into the Prison of Elders

The bad news: You've been sentenced to prison and are severely outnumbered by powerful, ancient beings. The good news: The warden has allowed you...
Of course, then you get reminded about the setting.

Neverwinter announces its next major update, Underdark

Neverwinter is heading into a dark place with its next major update. Darker than dark, even. Tenatively dubbed Neverwinter: Underdark, the next module will...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s beta drop RNG

Never before have I seen Guild Wars 2's Dry Top and the Silverwastes hive with such activity as we've seen this week. In case...

Mo’s Egg Hunt: Deals for May 6, 2015

It's time for another exciting roundup of Newegg's best deals here on Massively Overpowered. These deals are available through the links provided below. However, it's...

Plan out your Guild Wars 2 specializations with this tool

One of the big changes coming with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the revamp of the trait system into the new specializations....

Global Chat: What happens to original MMOs when they get sequels?

Telwyn at GamingSF asks a question that I've contemplated from time to time: When an MMO gets a sequel, what happens to the original...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s 12x XP leveling guide and Ziost’s finale

Happy Revenge of the Fifth! Because this column comes out on Tuesday, I'm a wee bit behind on wishing you a happy Star Wars...

The Daily Grind: Should more MMOs include advanced classes?

One of the very first RPGs that I played was Final Fantasy for the NES. I remember pouring over the manual at my friend's...

Not So Massively: HoN’s fifth anniversary update; Dota 2 rakes in millions of dollars

Heroes of Newerth received a colossal patch this week to celebrate its fifth anniversary, introducing a new intelligence carry hero, a capture the flag...

Guild Wars 2 hints at bow-using Guardian elite spec

The next elite specialization for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns may be out of the bag, as ArenaNet posted a new piece of...
Cold analysis.

Wisdom of Nym: Benchmarks and lore for Final Fantasy XIV

Maybe it's just me, but with the steady drip of information that we've gotten about Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion, I find myself sometimes...

EVE Evolved: Seven years of EVE Evolved

When I started writing about EVE Online for Massively back in 2008, the MMO genre was really hitting its stride, and emerging sites like...

World of Warcraft guides players to the jungle, enters the hall of fame

The opening moments of World of Warcraft's most recent expansion involve an assault on the Iron Horde's base of operations, the Tanaan Jungle. Now,...

Alganon is coming to Steam on May 5

Remember Alganon? It's still alive and kicking, and it's probably about to get a player infusion since it's heading to Steam on May 5th....

Elite: Dangerous tests interplay between Mac and PC versions

Being a member of the Mac gaming tribe no longer means that you have to be quarantined from the glorious PC master race, at...

Learn all about LOTRO’s legendary item imbuement system

Lord of the Rings Online's legendary item system has been a point of fierce community debate ever since it arrived way back in the...