
‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

RuneFest 2019: Exploring RuneScape’s archaeology, dino breeding, and content through 2020

Do you know what I have been missing in my life? Baby dinos. I really miss getting to raise baby dinos. But thanks to...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs do away with stat armor entirely?

While I'm all about progression and acquisition for my MMO characters as they journey through the levels, I'm less and less enthused about collecting...

The Stream Team: Talking RuneFest shop while meandering RuneScape

After all the fun she had at RuneFest, Massively OP's MJ is jumping back into the world of RuneScape. It's going to take some...

RuneFest 2019: RuneScape Mobile moves to early access this year with better UI, free gifts

RuneScape Mobile, your time is coming! Let's be real: As much as you love RuneScape, you likely did not lug a desktop to this...

Enter to win a Neverwinter Couturier Pack for PC courtesy of PWE and MOP!

With the launch of Uprising now rolled out to Neverwinter's PC and console players, PWE has kindly given Massively OP 50 Couturier Packs keys...

Massively Uplifting: From weddings to memorials, gamers celebrate life in AQ3D, GW2, BDO, LOTRO, WoW, and more

It's an alphabet soup of good (MMO) vibes this month! While many may have returned to the school of hard knocks this fall, plenty...

The Stream Team: Dousing Silk’s spider marriage delusions in Path of Exile

While Massively OP's MJ is still enjoying the Blight League, she can't help but feel the (self-imposed) pressure to finish Path of Exile's story...

Path of Exile offers some stats on which enchantments are the most popular in the Blight League

I love pie, which is why I probably can grasp pie charts the easiest out of all of the graphs, and there's lots of...

RuneFest 2019: Old School RuneScape’s Morytania expansion, Twisted league, group ironman, and clans

What's in store for Old School RuneScape in 2020? Plenty. Before the big stage reveal at this year's RuneFest 2019, John Colgrave, product manager...

Warframe shares Empyrean release plans, a new boss enemy, October’s update, and a Halloween preview

Oh, look, another Warframe dev stream packed to the absolute gills with information and updates. Seriously, these things have more details than most games...

Fight or Kite: Impressions of Ashes of Creation Apocalypse, a solid fantasy battle royale nobody is playing

A mere fortnight ago, the team behind Ashes of Creation took its MMO combat testing ground known as Apocalypse and opened the doors on...

The MOP Up: KurtzPel is getting a dash of Lime

KurtzPel is getting its newest hero, Lime, very soon, and to lead up to her release the game is winging a CP and AP...

SWTOR’s Powertechs and Vanguards get lethal new toys

The parade of Star Wars: The Old Republic class changes marches on, with BioWare thrusting the Powertech and Vanguard advanced roles into the spotlight...

One Shots: Getting all down and cozy

I love a good cozy place in an MMO, moreso if it's got a fully stocked snack bar and some of my all-time favorite...
There is a metaphor here somewhere.

Battle Bards Episode 154: Death and decay

Get an early jump on Halloween with the Battle Bards, as they grab the nearest shovel and start unearthing all sorts of morbid and...

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you wish could live forever?

You all know that I love my hypotheticals by now, so here's another one for our daily discussion period. Imagine that you have the...

Lineage II launches limited-time stat-buffing spellbooks to its store and a new free-to-play game

At this point, there are so many varieties of the Lineage series that my eyes are about to cross themselves. Between mobile versions, the...

Massively Overthinking: The one about MMO roleplay servers

An MOP reader named Thierry recently pointed us to a brewing storm in the World of Warcraft Classic community: In a nutshell, the server...

Neverwinter brings Uprising to consoles, Star Trek Online is bringing a Patrols menu to consoles

Perfect World's two larger console MMOs are getting some updates of note for players on Xbox One and PS4. The Uprising content patch for...
Bap-a-dap-daaaa, daaa, dap-a-bap-daaaaaa ~♪

Star Wars: The Old Republic reaches final phase of Onslaught testing, previews Mercenaries and Commandos

It's the final countdown over on the Star Wars: The Old Republic's test server, or more accurately, the final test phase. Yes, there's still more...