fate of gundabad

Lord of the Rings Online pushes out a huge bundle of Gundabad changes, promises new Yule rewards

We've got a whole buffet of Lord of the Rings Online news today, so let's pig out! Our main entrée is the release of...

Lord of the Rings Online explains how its delayed legendary item track works

While it was supposed to be a launch day feature for Fate of Gundabad, Lord of the Rings Online's new legendary item reward track...

Lord of the Rings Online compensates EU servers for translation issues, tests new six-player dungeon

Many Lord of the Rings Online players know that one of the best bonus events that the studio runs is for virtue XP boosts...

PSA: You’ve got one week left to claim a ton of free LOTRO content

If you have even a passing interest (or more!) in Lord of the Rings Online and haven't yet snapped up the massive content giveaway...
Remember when this was unusual?

Lord of the Rings Online opens the doors to the first two Gundabad dungeons

Astute Lord of the Rings Online players may have noticed that Fate of Gundabad arrived this month without a single new instance open for...

Lord of the Rings Online talks about making a ‘taller, deeper, darker’ Gundabad

Many -- not all, but many -- Lord of the Rings Online players are exploring the nooks and crannies of the new zones unlocked...

LOTRO Legendarium: The double-edged sword of being past the books

This past week, Lord of the Rings Online crossed another major milestone in its development as it released its eighth expansion, Fate of Gundabad....

Lord of the Rings Online launches its eighth expansion, Fate of Gundabad

Who's ready to get funky with Dwarves underground and Brawlers over the landscape? Lord of the Rings Online players, that's who. Today marks the...

LOTRO: Fate of Gundabad is still on track to launch next week — but several features are being delayed

Lord of the Rings Online's newest expansion, Fate of Gundabad, looks to be on track to launch next Wednesday, November 10th, bringing new adventures...

Lord of the Rings Online starts Fate of Gundabad testing

While the first round of public testing has already concluded, Lord of the Rings Online: Fate of Gundabad's beta -- Update 31 -- kicked...

LOTRO expansion pre-patch adds Halloween, Brawlers, LI revamp, and housing hook consolidation

While Standing Stone Games might not be calling today's Lord of the Rings Online update the expansion pre-patch, but... it's the Fate of Gundabad...

LOTRO Legendarium: Fate of Gundabad is shaping up to be the full expansion that LOTRO needs

Right before all of the news this week got sucked into the gravity well of the launch of a certain MMO, Lord of the...
Now we're gundagood.

Lord of the Rings Online opens Bullroarer again to test Brawler and LI changes

So, Lord of the Rings Online's Fate of Gundabad has a launch date. It has preorders. It has a full executive summary of content....

Lord of the Rings Online gets you up to speed on Fate of Gundabad’s story

It wasn't that long ago that some columnist here at Massively OP was bemoaning the fact that Standing Stone Games had yet to actually...

LOTRO Legendarium: Analyzing the first look at Brawler and Legendary Items 3.0

Friends, I am genuinely so excited to be a Lord of the Rings Online player these days. It feels like this year in the...

Lord of the Rings Online tests Brawler and Legendary Items 2.0, reveals fall expansion name: Fate of Gundabad

It's as big of a week for Lord of the Rings Online as possible without an actual release. That's because Standing Stone Games finally...