final fantasy xiv

Official Site: Final Fantasy XIV
Studio: Square Enix
Launch Date: September 30, 2010; relaunched August 27, 2013
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, PS3, PS4

Tell me more, tell me more, but you don't have to brag.

Final Fantasy XIV’s third piece of fiction for the anniversary is one gigantic spoiler

So, hey, maybe you haven't yet finished the main scenario for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. That's fine, we're not judging what you do with...

Working As Intended: What it means to be an MMORPG

I am amused and somewhat bewildered to admit that I have my very own pet troll. He follows me around on Reddit to hassle...
Why Would You Do That Dot Jpeg

Wisdom of Nym: Predicting the next Final Fantasy XIV jobs far too stupidly early

So now's a good time to start predicting the jobs we'll be getting in the next Final Fantasy XIV expansion, right? It seems like a...
All right!

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Dragon’s Quest X’s soundtrack

While just about everyone knows about Square Enix's ashes-to-glory story with Final Fantasy XIV, what often goes unnoticed is that the company runs a...

One Shots: Familiar and welcome lands

Welcome back home! That feels like the sentiment that WoW Classic gave when it launched recently. Players absolutely swarmed to these servers, many of...

Final Fantasy XIV teams up with Pusheen for even more cat antics than normal

We all know that Final Fantasy XIV is a game of cats. Sure, it's also a game of rabbits, lizards, and very occasionally dragons, but first...

The Soapbox: There is no MMO that can fix a broken MMO community

We've heard again and again how the recently launched World of Warcraft: Classic was going to "fix" the MMO community by stripping away modern...

Leaderboard: Does Guild Wars 2 need another expansion?

If you've followed NCsoft's quarterly investor reports for the last many years, you've probably seen dozens graphs of Guild Wars 2's revenues and the...
Good car, bad game.

Final Fantasy XIV is experimenting with social media support through November

If you've got an issue with your Final Fantasy XIV account, you have another way of getting support through November 29th. Square-Enix has announced the...
I've got a lot of problems with you people!

Final Fantasy XIV’s second anniversary story follows the path of Estinien’s travels

The anniversary fiction for Final Fantasy XIV is as much of a tradition as the actual in-game event for the rising, and this year is...

Massively Uplifting: LOTRO community events, appreciative FFXIV fans, and making gaming accessible

Just because it's the hottest month of the year doesn't mean we don't want to bury ourselves in warm fuzzies! Positivity is always welcome...
It's actually fine.

Wisdom of Nym: Checking the health of Final Fantasy XIV’s healing metagame in Shadowbringers

One of the stated reasons for not getting a new healing job with Shadowbringers is essentially that the development team wanted to work on the...

One Shots: All the awesome you can handle

One day when I grow up, I hope to be half as amazing and down-to-earth cool as most of our One Shots community here....

Final Fantasy XIV schedules its first patch 5.1 preview for mid-September

Before we hit the three-month mark out from Final Fantasy XIV's early access for Shadowbringers, it's time to start talking about the first major patch of...
Yes, we're all very impressed over here.

Final Fantasy XIV buffs up job potencies in patch 5.08

The latest patch for Final Fantasy XIV has arrived, but it's not one of the game's immense content patches. No, this one is all about...
Into the unknown.

Perfect Ten: The fantasy MMO zone atlas

There are, let's face it, a limited number of different ways to design real-adjacent zones in any fantasy game. At the end of the...
A nasty boy, a foul cigarette boy.

Final Fantasy XIV is holding its anniversary sale and putting out its annual short stories

Another anniversary for Final Fantasy XIV has rolled around, and that of course means new short fiction detailing character stories that tie into the...
Get thee within, ye of victories forsaken.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s sixth year is the Shadowbringers high

Let's look back at the sixth year of Final Fantasy XIV since its relaunch, shall we? Six times we've had a Rising celebration to...

Square Enix vows to support Final Fantasy XIV instead of working on another MMO sequel

Regular readers will note that Final Fantasy XIV earned our MMORPG of the Year award last year, with many of the staff citing the...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the best (worst?) at ruining classes?

A recent thread on the MMORPG subreddit caught my attention: Do you ever dread what's gonna happen to your class when an expansion is...