free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

The Stream Team: As the sun sets in Secret World Legends’ South Africa

What better place to spend Friday the 13th than Secret World Legends? Massively OP's MJ can't think of one! And there is plenty more...

The Stream Team: Friday the 13th in AdventureQuest 3D

It's Friday the 13th! That's the best day of the year -- at least for Massively OP's MJ. It means she gets to go...

Romain ‘Tilty’ Amiel departs Funcom and Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends players are in for a shock: Game Director Romain Amiel is moving on from Funcom. MMO vets will recall he's been...
This is what it looks like.

Nexon gives its studio subsidiaries leeway to foster creative freedom

Can giant, money-obsessed game corporations have a heart? Well, no, they're corporations, not people, but they can act in a way from time to...

Check out these jaw-dropping LOTRO panoramas

One of the true joys for many Lord of the Rings Online fans is being able to explore an intricate and often gorgeous-looking Middle-earth....

The Stream Team: World of Tanks celebrates seven years and looks better than ever

Some big changes have happened over at World of Tanks recently, and it's the perfect day to show them off! WoT celebrates its seventh...

Star Trek Online recruits a dozen Deep Space Nine actors for this summer’s expansion

The final Deep Space Nine cast members reprising their roles for Star Trek Online: Victory is Life were announced today, bringing the total up...

TERA’s Godsfall update hits PC on April 17, En Masse runs down console bugs

PC players, heads up: TERA is launching Godsfall next week on April 17th. En Masse is calling it "one of the most significant updates...

World of Tanks celebrates Yuri’s Night and its own anniversary with ‘Stellar Bonus’ event

Sick of the same old holidays every year in MMOs? World of Tanks is fond of plucking really good ones out of the void...

The Stream Team: Replica rocket races in Star Trek Online

Massively OP's MJ is shooting for the stars! Star Trek Online is celebrating First Contact Day, and MJ is in the race to build...

Snag your very own Tinker Bell in Black Desert today

Fairy companions are live in Black Desert today! Players so inclined can pick up their very own Fairy Laila through the Fairy Queen Theiah...
Older schools.

Old School RuneScape prices are going up in June

If your preferred sort of RuneScape is the older variety of schools, we're sorry to inform you that the price is going up. On...

The 2015 ArcheAge class action lawsuit continues, snarled in arbitration appeals

Waaaay back in 2015, a group of ArcheAge players filed a lawsuit against Trion Worlds over the Patron perk mess. Veteran MMO players will...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: Why trend-chasing doesn’t work at all for online games

Video games have always been a remarkably insular field; that's the nature of development. Someone produces Super Mario Bros, and a few years later...

Lord of the Rings Online celebrates its eleventh birthday

Not that Hobbits need much of an excuse to throw a party, but it just so happens to be Lord of the Rings Online's...

RIFT Prime lays out progression server plans

The path ahead for RIFT's thriving new progression server has been revealed, as Trion Worlds finally laid out plans for what's to come on...

The Stream Team: The final days of EverQuest II’s Bristlebane festival

It may not be the Highest of Silly Days, but Bristlebane is still going in EverQuest II. And that means plenty of silliness for...

RuneScape needs your help to rebuild Edgeville

One of the great things about MMORPGs is how their worlds can change over time and be impacted by stories. For RuneScape, the time...
Hello? Beasts?

Everything you need to know about Path of Exile’s 3.3.0 update, landing June 1st (probably)

Path of Exile's next big thing - content update 3.3.0 - lands later this spring, and you might be wondering what's going on with...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 165: Step into the Morninglight

Justin and MJ discuss Secret World Legends, DDO, WoW, Conan Exiles, RIFT, LOTRO, TERA, Ultima Online, ArcheAge, and Star Trek Online, with mailbag questions on combat combos and recapturing former players.