free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

The best Massively OP MMO reader polls of 2017

Polls are a quantitative sort of magic that we don't often get from our other articles - at least when they aren't being brigaded...

Steam’s best-selling 2017 games include ARK, Warframe, and H1Z1

With 2017 officially over and done, Steam's taking a moment to report on its best-selling games over the course of the whole year. While...

MMO Year in Review: WoW Classic and the doom of Marvel Heroes (November 2017)

We’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into...

Aion prepares to move to a free-to-play model in Korea on its 10-year anniversary

There are many possible reactions to that headline. Some of you are expressing disbelief that Aion could be moving to a free-to-play model in...

The Stream Team: A second stint in Secret World Legends’ Dreaming Prison

How does Massively OP's MJ start the new year off right? In her favorite world, Secret World Legends! And she's on the verge of...

The most popular MMORPG conversations of 2017

Last week, we posted a rundown of the most popular MMORPG articles of 2017, calculated strictly by the number of pageviews they got. Today, we're going...
Destiny 2 Screenshot 2017.11.06 -

MMO Year in Review: Lockboxes, CCP, and Destiny 2 (October 2017)

We’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into...

Battle Bards Episode 112: MMO minigame music

It’s time to take a diversion to play — and listen — to the minigames tucked inside of our MMOs! The Battle Bards haul...

The MOP Up: Multiverse makes a comeback (December 31, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Path of Exile offers up some stats on the Abyss League, three weeks in

Do you like math? If not... well, you're not going to like the latest dispatch from Path of Exile because it's all math. It's...

LOTRO Legendarium: Looking back at the road we traveled in 2017

"The road goes ever on" is one of the most well-known phrases from Lord of the Rings, alluding to the ongoing journey of the...

The Daily Grind: What were your best MMORPG gaming achievements in 2017?

Before we jump into 2018, let's take a moment to ruminate on our personal accomplishments in MMO gaming this year. While I didn't get around...

EverQuesting: Frostfell blues and end of the year news for EverQuest II

Snow? Check. Good cheer? Check. Catchy tunes everywhere? Checkity check. Goblins and gigglegibbers in goofy get-ups? Great big check. New guide? Er... Yes, it's Frostfell...

The Stream Team: Secret World Legend’s Last Train to Cairo

One of the really neat changes Secret World Legends did was incorporate The Last Train to Cairo DLC from The Secret World into the...

Massively Overthinking: Our 2018 MMO resolutions

I have never been one to make specific resolutions in my gaming. I might plan from month to month, but mostly I go where...
Maybe needed.

Fan puts together a lengthy set of dreams for a Marvel MMO

Perhaps you're sad about the loss of Marvel Heroes because you really enjoyed it. Perhaps you're not sad about losing the game, but you...

MMO Year in Review: July was the high mark of the year for MMORPGs (July 2017)

We’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s 2017 year-end report card

I love the Bartle Taxonomy; it's been around for a long time, and it's still relevant today. This is why when I am given...

The Stream Team: Frolicking in AdventureQuest 3D’s Frostval

Forget about Santa coming to town when you can have AQ3D's Artix! His stories are way more fun than that guy in red's, and...

Massively OP’s 2017 Blooper Awards: Sneakiest MMO soft launch

Massively OP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our blooper award for Sneakiest MMO soft launch. And the winner is... Warframe A couple of months ago, we're sitting...