free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

ESPN officially launches an e-sports division, picks up e-sports journalists

When Activision-Blizzard acquired Major League Gaming earlier this month, CEO Bobby Kotick revealed his plans to create a kind of "ESPN of e-sports." It turns out that ESPN has had its...

Massively Overthinking: Just how massive is massively multiplayer?

Recent tweaks to the taxonomy structure of Massively OP and coverage of what we formerly called "Not-So-Massive" games prompted a resurgence of internal discussion about the types...
Making it all better all over again.

Star Trek Online holds a recovery event for the rest of January

The galaxy of Star Trek Online has just finished dealing with a destructive war against a race of almost incalculable age and power. There's...

League of Legends releases free EDM album

Believe it or not, League of Legends is a source for really incredible music (as we've noted this week), and just last year Riot...

Guild Wars 2 introduces players to the new and improved Shatterer

Given enough time, the most exciting moment in any video game will become mundane. If you were one of the earliest Guild Wars 2...

Perfect Ten: Top 10 obscure MMORPGs

I've seen a lot of desperate requests in my day in which players are asking for games outside of the normal sphere of popularity...

EverQuesting: A 2016 franchise forecast for EverQuest Next, EverQuest, EverQuest II, and Landmark

We've looked back at 2015 for the launched games EverQuest and EverQuest II, the long-lasting beta of Landmark, and the MIA-and-presumed-dead (by some) ...

Lord of the Rings Online’s server woes continue

Days after Lord of the Rings Online moved to its new datacenter, the game is still being plagued by server issues that is causing...

2015 was TERA’s biggest year to date, but players aren’t appeased

TERA Senior Producer Matthew "Denommenator" Denomme has the honor of penning TERA's 2016 community address this week. In the post, he tells players that...

League of Legends reveals confusing new champion Jhin

Last week Riot Games released a bizarre video called Mind of the Virtuoso that appeared to be part art project and part ... I guess art project...

The Stream Team: Testing out MechWarrior Online’s Hunchback

MassivelyOP's MJ bought a new 'mech during MechWarrior Online's last sale and she's eager to test it out! Her spurge: the Hunchback HBK-4J. A...

Forsaken World’s Awakening expansion launches next week

PWE's Forsaken World is due for another big update this month. Awakening, dubbed the game's 16th expansion by PWE, launches on January 20th and carries...

Marvel Heroes starts selling Advance Pack 3 and 1602-era costumes

What, did you think that Marvel Heroes was going to take it easy and not churn out another small army of superheroes this year?...

World of Tanks debuts on PS4 January 19

Wargaming has just announced that World of Tanks is all ready for its formal PlayStation 4 debut next week -- January 19th, to be...

The Stream Team: Show me the SWTOR money!

Are you tired of only pulling lint from your SWTOR pockets when you need copious amounts of credits to buy those swanky mounts, cool...

Global Chat: Making gaming resolutions

Do you make New Year's resolutions for gaming? I do and I've seen more than a few bloggers come out in early January to...

Battle Bards Episode 66: The best of MOBA music

This week on the Battle Bards podcast, the crew branches out from the familiar territory of MMO soundtracks and into the wild, untamed regions of...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 46: The high price of VR

Justin and Bree discuss the Oculus Rift's pricetag, Marvel Heroes' David Brevik, Divergence Online, Smed on emus, and TUG, with mailbag questions on tstories, MOBAs, and skill trees.

Devilian begins 20v20 guild tourneys, grants 15 days of bonus gifts

Devilian players know that the game is absolutely shameless in its attempts to get you to log in and play it, with daily rewards,...

Hyperspace Beacon: How to make a million credits in an hour of SWTOR

I can’t help but attempt to find some of the most efficient ways to make credits in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have...