
Veteran Norwegian studio behind The Secret World, Anarchy Online, Age of Conan, and LEGO Minifigures Online.

Funcom warns against using third-party resellers for Secret World Legends currency

Thinking about buying or selling some of that Secret World Legends currency outside of the game proper? Funcom's got one word for you: don't. The...

Secret World Legends fan recreates Franklin Mansion in The Sims 4

Today we want to give a shout-out to Massively OP reader Katriana for a really neat project that she shared recently! A Secret World...

One Shots: Alien sunset

I will admit that I've been craving a good space exploration sim lately -- the burn to "explore strange new worlds" is rising inside...

The Stream Team: Burrowing deeper into Secret World Legends’ Blue Mountain

Secret World Legends' Blue Mountain adventures are coming to a close for Massively OP's MJ. She has a few more missions to complete (including...

Chaos Theory: Funcom can still fix Secret World Legends’ Aurum fiasco

Mere days after the exciting news about Secret World Legends being made into a television show, we finally hear about the game's long-awaited Aurum...

Perfect Ten: MMO experiments in transmedia synergy

We're not going to argue that MMORPGs are the dominant form of media entertainment these days, but they do have endurance and a devoted...

Global Chat: World of Warcraft’s wild frontier

How is World of Warcraft like the wild west of American history and legend? Something about Barrens chat might come to mind, but blog...
No one weekend should have all that power.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 132: Filth TV

Justin and MJ discuss Secret World, LOTRO, Warframe, Path of Exile, Otherland, WoW, Ultima Online, ARK, Just Survive, EverQuest II, and West of Loathing.

Conan Exiles is getting a retail box release

Just in case you weren't clear on the point that Funcom considers Conan Exiles to be the wave of the company's future, this should...

Chaos Theory: What we want out of the Secret World Legends TV show

Wow. So I had no intention of crafting another Chaos Theory this week. I had plans. Other plans. But then the Secret World Legends...

Secret World Legends allows players to convert Funcom points into Aurum

If you were sitting on a Scrooge McDuck pile of Funcom Points back when The Secret World announced its switchover to Secret World Legends...

Massively Overthinking: Alone together vs. forced grouping in MMORPGs

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that everyone has at some point seen the xkcd called Isolation, but if not, there...

The Stream Team: Following Secret World Legends’ Tyler Freeborn into the sea

Massively OP's MJ has followed the trail Tyler Freeborn left behind in Secret World Legends all the way to the edge of the sea....
Into the unknown.

Perfect Ten: MMOs obsessed with the floating islands trope

One of the fun things about this hobby is that certain tropes repeat themselves constantly. And they're usually weirdly specific tropes, too. Poop quests,...

Tokyo is now open in Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends continues to refill the content pool to bring it back up to the level of its predecessor. Today, the conspiracy reboot...
spooky, kinda

Johnny Depp will produce a TV show based on The Secret World

Your eyes aren't deceiving you, though I did a double-take too: Deadline is reporting that The Secret World aka Secret World Legends is getting a...

Secret World Legends to re-open Tokyo on Wednesday

Ever since Secret World Legends went live earlier this summer, there's been a large, Tokyo-shaped hole in the reboot's content offerings. Part of this...

Massively Overthinking: Is the popularity of small-scale co-op games hurting MMORPGs?

Gamasutra has an unusual piece from an Ubisoft developer this week arguing that co-op gameplay is the industry's rising midcore trend, one that he...

The Stream Team: Tracking Tyler Freeborn in Secret World Legends

Oh Tyler Freeborn wherefore art thou? Massively OP's MJ is going to find out! One of her all-time favorite experiences in Secret World was...

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World Legends’ Whispering Tide event

Have you met Flappy? If you haven't yet, you might want to do so very soon else you'll miss your chance. That dirty bird...