guild wars 2

Official Site: Guild Wars 2
Studio: ArenaNet/NCsoft
Launch Date: August 28, 2012
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid B2P (Cash Shop, No Sub, Paid Expansions)
Platform: PC

One Shots: Riding railroad

Superhero MMOs really make for some spectacular screenshots, you have to agree. And if you don't agree, you might be on the receiving end...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a good grasp of your MMO’s history?

As someone who's played his fair share of both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 over the years, I have to confess that I've...

Guild Wars 2 elaborates on camera improvements

Forget the living world; it may be that finally allowing players to zoom into a first-person view will be the most significant event that's...

Guild Wars 2 rethinks the defiance system for Heart of Thorns

Just when you thought it was safe to enter an expansion jungle, think again. The Guild Wars 2 dev team is hard at work...

Guild Wars 2 will implement first-person POV in March

File this one under things we didn't see coming: ArenaNet has just announced that it will fulfill a long-running fan request by adding a first-person point-of-view...

Guild Wars 2 allows you to preview locked dyes

Want to know exactly how that new dye is going to look before you drop some serious money on it? Guild Wars 2 understands,...
Sometimes, of course, we don't care about things like balance.

Check out a video tour of Guild Wars 2’s Revenant

Are you looking forward to the newest addition to Guild Wars 2's class lineup, the Revenant? Do you stay awake at night wishing that...

WoW and Destiny topped media mentions in 2014

This will probably not come as a shock to you, but a lot of press was talking about World of Warcraft and Destiny last...

Massively Overthinking: The best MMOs for duoing

A Massively Overpowered reader by the name of DaBruuzer posed a great question to the team, one I thought we'd have a better time answering as...

The Daily Grind: How do you rate Guild Wars 2’s season 2?

As I write this, I'm almost finished with the second season of Guild Wars 2's vaunted living story. Without any specific spoilers, I have...

Guild Wars 2’s Revenant is powered by legends of the past

Ever since hearing about Guild Wars 2's ninth and newest class at PAX South, we've been dying to know more about the Revenant. Well,...

MOBAs dominate Raptr’s January rankings as WoW playtime falls

According to a Raptr press release posted today, MOBA League of Legends dominated the service's January rankings with just under 20% of total playtime...
Destiny wallpaper

Former Guild Wars 2 writer becomes Bungie’s ‘loremaster’

Former ArenaNet writer John Ryan is now Bungie's "editor/loremaster," according to his Twitter account. Ryan started at ANet in 2010 and worked on Guild...
Not actually my character.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO character for PvP?

I've been spending my gaming time lately PvPing in Guild Wars 2 in an attempt to reinkindle my old obsession with World of Warcraft battleground-style...
Kind of taking a drubbing here, Tyria. I'm sorry.

Guild Wars 2 shows off Stronghold gameplay

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is bringing a new type of PvP to the game with Strongholds. There are shades of the original...

Perfect Ten: My favorite MMO pet classes

Most folks have certain class traits that appeal to them. Some love being that long-range archer sniper, while others get juiced on the feeling of...

Guild Wars 2 celebrates the Lunar New Year

It's the Canthan Lunar New Year in Guild Wars 2, so the question you have to be asking yourself is: Do you feel lucky?...

NCsoft Q4 2014: NCsoft financials paint a grim picture for WildStar

The good news for fans of NCsoft's game catalogue is that the company as a whole is doing well. The most recent earnings report...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 1

Justin and Bree discuss Daybreak, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns, and the forming of Massively Overpowered, with mailbag questions on MMO pet AI and subs as the new early access in disguise.