
See: Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2’s underwater combat update and class balance pass are live today

Some MMOs pump out an endless stream of previews for their big patches, especially the type that overhaul major game systems or balance combat,...

Massively Overthinking: The state of modern MMORPG raiding

Massively OP reader Sorrior recently sent in a question about raiding, a topic we haven't discussed in a while. "I have noticed raiding tends to...
Bang bang.

Guild Wars 2’s Deadeye is taking another shot from stealth

The Deadeye is in an all right place in terms of DPS, but that alone isn't good enough in Guild Wars 2. The problem...

Battle Bards Episode 120: Short stuff

Look down — and it’ll be the last thing you’ll ever see! That’s because fury and death arrive in the form of short character...
More of this story, please.

Guild Wars 2’s balance update arrives next week – with ‘underwater combat’ revamp

Remember back before Guild Wars 2 launched and its underwater content was touted as the most innovative thing in years? And remember when it...
Llook out, Llary! It's the llandlllord!

Guild Wars 2 players sponsor $2000 PvP tournament, ban Chronomancer spec

If Guild Wars 2's abrupt pull-out of PvP e-sports and tournaments a year ago filled all your 20-slot bags with stacks of pure sadness,...

The Stream Team: Living the Guild Wars 2 life

With all the holidays and events in all the games that Massively OP's MJ highlights, sometimes it is hard for her to just go...

The Daily Grind: What is the greatest hoax or fake leak in all of MMORPG history?

Hah, you thought this one was going to be about Daybreak. But it's not. No, today's Daily Grind was actually inspired by something Guild Wars...

Guild Wars 2 tortures Dervish fans with an outfit but no class, denies excessive data collection in ‘spyware’ controversy

World polish and bug fixes are at the forefront of Guild Wars 2's latest patch, which went live yesterday. Several nagging issues across the game...

One Shots: Tour guides

It turns out that MMORPG players really don't need much prompting to go out and take a bazillion screenshots of their favorite in-game zones,...

Russia’s Telegram crackdown blocks access to WoW, EVE, and Guild Wars 2

If you play Guild Wars 2, World of Tanks, EVE Online, or World of Warcraft in Russia, you may find that access to these...

The Daily Grind: What could MMO taverns do to get you to stick around?

I have vague memories of ArenaNet talking about Guild Wars 2 taverns prior to its launch and how these spaces would be more than...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Deep-diving Guild Wars 2’s A Bug in the System (Part 1)

Season 4 of Guild Wars 2 Living World was off to a roaring start with Daybreak so I was expecting a solid follow-up in A...

Guild Wars 2 plans bonus harvesting weekend, backs player artists crowdfunding a GW2 tarot deck for charity

So here's something Guild Wars 2 doesn't do much: special weekend bonus events. This one's probably more about getting folks to buy harvesting tools...

The Daily Grind: What’s the biggest scandal the MMORPG genre has ever seen?

Over the weekend in the Guild Wars 2 spyware article comments, a commenter remarked that Blizzard's Warden spyware was "the biggest scandal in MMOs"...

The Game Archaeologist: Lineage

If we judged MMOs by their numbers alone -- and I'm not suggesting we do so -- then the original Lineage would be the...
I'm here to talk with you about patch cadence.

Guild Wars 2 used client-side spyware to aid its latest purge of potential cheaters

ArenaNet's just gone on a purge of potential cheaters in Guild Wars 2. "Yesterday we suspended 1,583 accounts for a period of 6 months," Gaile...
This is the griffon.

PAX East 2018: An interview with the big griffon statue

Everyone knows that the various people portraying characters at PAX East are just there to portray a character. That's not who they really are....

Guild Chat: Rebuilding a real-life home and an MMORPG guild all at once

Welcome along to Guild Chat, the column through which many Massively Overpowered readers get the help they need to achieve better balance within their...

Guild Wars 2 has completely overhauled gathering tools with glyph upgrades and wardrobe implementation

A couple of weeks ago, a nasty patch bug borked up harvesting tools in Guild Wars 2. Hardest hit were the endless-use versions that...