high isle

Elder Scrolls Online invites players back to the High Isle chapter in November 21’s zone-focused event

If you like the way Elder Scrolls Online entices you to revisit older DLC zones with events, then you're going to love the fact...

Elder Scrolls Online discusses Gold Road’s Tales of Tribute update and Brazil community gathering

Last week, MOP's Justin alluded to Elder Scrolls Online's Tales of Tribute as one of the game's many systems features that were added and...

Tamriel Infinium: The history of Elder Scrolls games (before and after Elder Scrolls Online)

There's nothing quite like that feeling when you first dip your toes into a particular game only to discover that it's part of a...

The Stream Team: Bumbling about Blackwood in Elder Scrolls Online

Now that Massively OP's MJ has finished Elder Scrolls Online's High Isle, what is there to do? Too much! She has multiple zones still...

The Stream Team: Storming the castle dungeon in Elder Scrolls Online

"Have fun storming the castle!" ranks among Massively OP's MJ's all-time favorite lines. So when she can enact it in a game, she's quite...

The Stream Team: Undaunted and reporting to Lady Arabelle in Elder Scrolls Online

Before Massively OP's MJ could head off to Mandrake Manor to report to Lady Arabelle the success of the search for the royals in...

The Stream Team: Going to prison in Elder Scrolls Online’s High Isle

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to prison we go! After sneaking onto the prison island in Elder Scrolls Online's High Isle, Massively MJ...

The Stream Team: Search and rescue in Elder Scrolls Online

Since the Ascendant Magus threatened everyone when he crashed the big party on Elder Scrolls Online's High Isle (and what a party it was...

The Stream Team: Of Knights and Knaves in Elder Scrolls Online’s High Isle

What happened to the alliance vessels on their way to the peace talks in Elder Scrolls Online's High Isle? That's precisely what MassivelyOP's MJ...

The Stream Team: Hightailing it to High Isle in Elder Scrolls Online

Although she's a bit late to the party, Massively OP's MJ finally gets to go experience Elder Scrolls Online's High Isle expansion. Well, at...

The Stream Team: The ABCs of ESO – adventure, birthday cake, and Craglorn

Considering that she skipped most zones and has wandered willy nilly about Tamriel, Massively OP's MJ always has plenty to do in Elder Scrolls...

PSA: Steam’s Spring Sale offers up discounts for MMORPGs and expansions

Are you in the market for a new MMO or MMORPG to play? Then you might be interested to know that the Steam Spring...

Tamriel Infinium: 18 activities to do at max level in Elder Scrolls Online

As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and so it's been with the past six months between me and Elder Scrolls Online....

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online faces an uphill battle in 2023

Let me tell you, it is a strange time to be returning to Elder Scrolls Online. After a strong stint in the game last...

Steam’s winter sale offers many deep discounts on FFXIV, Elder Scrolls Online, New World and more

If you're not already broke from buying presents this holiday season, why not treat yourself to the annual gamer gluttony that is the Steam...
How charmingly old world.

End-of-Year Eleven: The best MMO expansions and updates of 2022

One of the underrated aspects of being an MMO player is that our games get more updates and expansions than almost any other type...

Is Elder Scrolls Online’s next stop in Telvanni-held mainland Morrowind?

The Dark Heart of Skyrim Celebration being held in Elder Scrolls Online has likely been about getting those sweet rewards for players, but one...

Steam’s autumn sale is live now through November 29 – here are a few MMOs with good deals

Like clockwork, the autumn Steam sale has returned for the gaming world with deals just in time for Thanksgiving or Black Friday or Small-Business...

The Stream Team: Elder Scrolls Online’s Sojourn of the Druid King

Last time, Massively OP's MJ thought she'd finally wrapped up all the outstanding prologue quests in her journal, but a new one popped right...

PSA: Elder Scrolls Online has kicked off its week-long free subscription promotion

Regular readers and fans of Elder Scrolls Online know that ZeniMax Online Studios likes to hand out week-long trials of its ESO Plus subscription...