
Massively Overthinking: Our MMORPG gaming resolutions for 2017

Are you the type of gamer to make resolutions? I'm not, but I know a lot of people who map out their year ahead...

Hellgate fan project moves toward an alpha build

Work continues on the fan-powered project to bring back Hellgate: London to the masses. The London 2038 team reported that it is working through some...

Perfect Ten: Biggest MMORPG surprises of 2016

Back at the beginning of December, I posted a list of what I considered to be the biggest MMORPG stories of 2016. However, there...

Flameseeker Chronicles: 2017 predictions for Guild Wars 2

The year is most definitely drawing to a close: I've devoured a mountain of turkey and stuffing sandwiches, binge-watched all of my favourite holiday...

Massively OP’s MMO guide to the Steam Winter Sale

Do you have any money left after all of that holiday shopping, travel, and dining out? Steam would very much like to have what...
Mead mead mead mead mead mead.

MMO Year in Review: EverQuest Never (March 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been part of a play in an MMO?

Two of my favorite MMOs, Lord of the Rings Online and The Secret World, share an unusual but interesting trait: They both have interactive...

Chaos Theory: The kink in Secret World’s Krampusnacht

The Secret World, I'm shaking my head at you. I mean, I wasn't expecting anything really for the Krampusnacht holiday. But this? Remember back when...

The Soapbox: Asheron’s Call is dead, and Turbine killed it

You'd think recent news about Asheron's Call 1 and AC2 would be easy to swallow. After all, we'd already been warned that Turbine was becoming a mobile...
It's less of a secret now.

PSA: The Secret World is on sale for 75% off

Big discounts are nice. They're especially nice when you're talking about buy-to-play games, since that means you can get the game at a discount...

The Daily Grind: Does Daybreak’s involvement with LOTRO and DDO worry you?

Yesterday, we were all pretty astonished to learn that Turbine has spun out Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online --...

The Stream Team: The Secret World’s snowball fights

This winter seems to be all about snowballs. Even The Secret World is getting in on the act. Not that Massively OP's MJ is...

The Secret World kicks off Krampusnacht once more

Oh, you'd better have guns, you'd better have spells, or else you'll get dragged by a monster from hell; Krampusnacht is in The Secret...

Chaos Theory: Our guide to The Secret World’s Unseen achievement

For the last couple of months, I have been focused on trying to acquire The Unseen achievement in The Secret World. Why? It isn't...

The Stream Team: Sabotage in The Secret World’s City of the Sun God

As MassivelyOP's MJ continues her quest to get The Unseen achievement in TSW, she has run into a few snags. So to brighten her...

Exclusive interview with Ashes of Creation’s Jeffrey Bard, formerly of Daybreak

Yesterday we covered a tip about a new MMORPG in the making: Ashes of Creation. Apparently we caught wind of this title before it was...

Gamers are trying to revive Hellgate: London – again again again

We all know that Hellgate: London has been revived and used at this point more than your average CPR training dummy. So while we're...

Classic vampire MMO Dark Eden arrives on Steam

After looking for Steam greenlight approval earlier this year, Dark Eden has clinched it and arrived to dwell on the digital platform as one...

Global Chat: Evaluating the latest MMORPG expansions

This week in our tour through MMO blog posts, we're going to witness a lot of evaluations of recent update and expansion launches that...

EverQuest Online Adventures revival project solicits aid

It's been well over four years since EverQuest Online Adventures was unplugged and its servers shut down, as SOE deemed the old hardware (PlayStation...