

Crowfall lists more stretch goals as KS winds down

Crowfall's latest Kickstarter update lists out a few more funding milestone updates, which is something of a break with tradition given that ArtCraft was...

City of Heroes dev answers more lore questions for game’s anniversary

City of Heroes is dead; long live City of Heroes! The superhero MMO would have been 11 years old next month but for an...

Crowfall passes $1.4 million in fundraising, eyes Minotaurs

In the final hours of Crowfall's Kickstarter campaign, the community and studio are racing to see just how high they can push that final...

Douglas Firs cripple City of Titans’ framerate

File this under "amusing development moments:" The City of Titans team was struggling with low framerate performance for its pre-alpha test map, and only...

Crowfall hits stretch goals for mounts, caravans, and free pack pig

With only a few days to go, Crowfall is hitting stretch goals left and right in its quest to be one of the best-funded...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: March 21, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, SOE fans banded together and attempted to Kickstart this year's Fan Faire. You might recall that Columbus Nova...

Own, expand, and develop your own piece of Crowfall’s universe

While most of Crowfall's playable area will be in temporary PvP campaign worlds, there will be a bastion of permanence in individual player housing...

The Daily Grind: Does story matter in MMORPGs?

We're breaking out the Daily Grind questions offered up by some of our Kickstarter donors today with one by Kharl, who wanted to talk...

Crowfall promises VR support in exchange for 15,000 backers

Bet you didn't see this coming. As it ticks down its final Kickstarter campaign week, Crowfall has added a tantalizing stretch goal if the...
Fan Faire

Project Fan Faire needs your support

Remember that time when Daybreak bought out SOE, fired a bunch of people, and cancelled Fan Faire? Yeah that sucked, but a few fans...

Crowfall hires former CCP exec as new community manager

Crowfall continues to add experienced industry veterans to its team, as ArtCraft announced today that it has hired Valerie Massey to be the new...

Crowfall eyes artifacts and relics as a new stretch goal

With eight days left in its Kickstarter campaign, Crowfall is pushing hard for last-minute stretch goal milestones. In addition to mounts and caravans if...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...
This dude, but in motion.

Crowfall details mount mechanics as it clears $1.2 million

There's no doubt at this point that Crowfall will be funded, but there is some question about how much extra stuff will be in...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: March 14, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we learned about the Kickstarter for a "MOBA type of combat game" called Descent: Underground. Yes, it's that...

Crowfall walks you through the life of your character

Today Crowfall treated its fans to a whopper of a dev diary detailing the path of progression that a character will take from a...

Crowfall devs: ‘We see crafters as a full-time playstyle’

Crowfall's Kickstarter campaign has crossed the 12,000 backer mark and hit yet another stretch goal. This means that the team will be giving an All-Father...

Crowfall has a ‘few key pieces’ left to explain

ArtCraft has raised over $1.1 million for Crowfall in 14 days. And that's just on Kickstarter! The project has updated with a new video...
Descent Underground

Descent returns… as a MOBA Kickstarter hopeful

Remember 1995? I don't, mostly because I was either playing Descent or catching matinee screenings of Braveheart. The former is making a comeback of...

Coleman says there’s ‘no shame in waiting’ to back Crowfall

Holding off on backing Crowfall, even though over a million dollars' worth of players have contributed to the PvP title? J. Todd Coleman says...