An expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic. See: Knights of the Fallen Empire.
Perfect Ten: 10 MMO games, events, and ideas hitting the decade mark in 2025
A decade is a long time. It's kind of weird that we don't think much about games or shows or whatever hitting the decade...
Global Chat: The War Within continues WoW’s upward trend
We'll kick off this week's tour of MMO blogs with a diverse first impressions piece of The War Within by Kaylriene, who praises the...
Global Chat: Star Trek Online’s content problem
As we kick off another edition of MMO gamer blogs talking about the titles that we love the most, we'll be visiting with Contains...
SWTOR’s 7.5.1. includes Greatest Bounty season, new Date Night missions, and improved gear progression
Broadsword released a teaser stream last night for Star Wars The Old Republic's 7.5.1 update, and while it's certainly welcome, it's... a 7.5.1 update....
Old School RuneScape releases its newest quest line Desert Treasure II The Fallen Empire
It's been nearly 20 years since Old School RuneScape players visited the Mahjarrat and its mysterious people in the Desert Treasure quest. At long...
Global Chat: Is FFXIV the perfect solo MMORPG?
Kicking off this week's roundup of MMO blog posts, we'll hop over to Dragonchasers where Pete is ecstatic to share the revelation that Final...
The Soapbox: SWTOR’s Legacy of the Sith is bad, but not for the reasons you’ve heard
I've never been a big Star Wars fan, but I am a big BioWare fan, and after many failed attempts to get into the...
Hyperspace Beacon: A measured response to SWTOR’s Legacy of the Sith backlash
So Star Wars: The Old Republic fans are exploding on the internet about the franchise's latest expansion, Legacy of the Sith. As a player...
Global Chat: Wrapping up FFXIV’s Shadowbringers
As Final Fantasy XIV players are on the cusp of leaping into Endwalker, MMO blogger Gnomecore wrapped up a final look at Shadowbringers. It's...
Massively Overthinking: Jumping the shark in MMOs
I'm sure those few people out there still bearing a grudge over the Rune-keeper would disagree with me, but one of the things that...
Massively Overthinking: Deleting pieces of MMOs to save them
Two ideas floated across my virtual desk in recent weeks, neither directly relating to MMORPGs, but they put the nugget of an idea in...
Global Chat: Remembering the MMO fallen
A discussion chain has been rippling across the MMO blogosphere as of late, with writers reminiscing about online games that have lived and died...
Hyperspace Beacon: Is SWTOR prepared for the Onslaught?
Welcome back to the Hyperspace Beacon. I have taken a much-needed break over this summer to come back to the first expansion that Star...
Battle Bards Episode 152: Main Themes 3
Back for a third round, the Battle Bards examine a slew of main themes from MMORPGs! Considering how essential these themes are in making...
Global Chat: What would World of Warcraft 2 look like?
It's a pretty common exercise in our circles to speculate on what a sequel to World of Warcraft would look like. Oh, it'll never,...
Massively Overthinking: Do you even *like* MMO expansions?
This seems like an absurd question on its face, right? MMO players are supposed to like MMO expansions. They're progress. They're content. They're fresh...
Massively Overthinking: Super wrong snap judgments of MMORPGs
The year was 2004, and the month was May. My guild was growing increasingly frustrated with Star Wars Galaxies' slow development pace, so we...
Global Chat: Off-the-cuff impressions of Anthem
If you like BioWare, high tech eye candy, blowing crap up, or riding the current wave of Hot New Game Releases, chances are that...
The Soapbox: A pre-mortem for Star Wars The Old Republic, a game that never knew what it had
Would you believe that Star Wars: The Old Republic is shutting down? I'm going to bet that you could believe it, and I'm even going to bet...
Perfect Ten: The worst MMORPG expansions of all time
A great MMO expansion brings so much to the table: fresh excitement for a game, new classes, innovative features, expanded vistas, additional races, and...