
Harrowstorm hits the Elder Scrolls Online PTS with new housing and PvP queueing drama

As promised, Harrowstorm - the first DLC headed to The Elder Scrolls Online in 2020 - landed on the public test server alongside update...

The Game Archaeologist: Super-early versions of MMORPG websites

One of the absolute best things the internet ever generated has been the Internet Wayback Machine. Through this site, snapshots of millions of websites...

Last Oasis details how to find safety in the deserts of the survival sandbox

In any survival sandbox, finding safety is pretty important, whether you happen upon some form of shelter or cobble some together yourself. The in-development...
Cool, cool cool cool.

Leaderboard: Have you ever failed MMO events on purpose – like for roleplaying’s sake?

Earlier this week, MOP's Sam Kash came into the MOP writing room cracking up over a thread on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit and...
Do this differently.

WoW Factor: There is (not) much to do in World of Warcraft

Here's a fun question for you: How do you count discrete activities in World of Warcraft? It's a more complex concept than you might...
Order from disorder.

The fun when some dude yoinks an airport map screen to play Apex Legends

Look, sometimes you just need to play video games real bad. The original story appears to be gone from the radio station's blog, but the...
Not the chess maneuver.

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG bugs ever

This week's Massively Overthinking discussion topic is inspired by Crowfall's J Todd Coleman, who last fall tweeted about the time playable spiders almost became...

The Elder Scrolls Online announces Greymoor chapter, Harrowstorm DLC, and Dark Heart of Skyrim

As this afternoon's community event in Vegas, ZeniMax Online Studios formally announced the latest year-long theme for The Elder Scrolls Online, The Dark Heart...

Guild Wars 2 previews Shadows in the Ice’s best features in new trailer

Here we go, folks - with the Lunar New Year festival underway in Guild Wars 2, ArenaNet is now turning its promotional attention back...

Neverwinter previews its hellish Vallenhas transformation in Infernal Descent

We've been teasing Neverwinter for the over-the-top hellishness of its Infernal Descent campaign, and we're pleased to say that will not end with this...

Inferna adds a new dungeon, balances combat, promises 2020 roadmap

So what's new with the early access MMORPG Inferna, whose early access path we've been chronicling since November? Well, there's an update that kicked...

Fantasy Toonz is a in-development open world MMO featuring battle royale arenas

If you're one of those people who hates the word "toons," you're not gonna like what this one's called. In fact, if you're also...

The Game Archaeologist: That time when MTV made a virtual world

For the music trendy in the '80s and '90s, MTV was a huge source of fascination and audio discovery. It was the edgy channel...

SMITE launches Season 7 on PTS and goes into more detail about the season’s new Joust map

The next season of SMITE is on its way and with it is a new Joust map for players to... well... joust on. In...

Anime multiplayer brawler KurtzPel announces an update that adds a new weapon and sweeping PvP changes

The start of 2020 is signalling a new beginning for KurtzPel. A hefty update is due to arrive soon and it's set to change...

Path of Exile offers a list of hotfix changes and promises a large patch soon

A patch for 3.9.2 of Path of Exile is on the way, but not before there's a hotfix that fixes a few critical issues...

Elite Dangerous’ latest update will launch ahead of schedule on January 14

Last fall, Frontier announced that in response to player feedback, it was holding off on Elite Dangerous' December fleet carriers update, bumping it to...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Things to do when Guild Wars 2 feels stale

It happens to every player in every MMO: Sooner or later, even our favorite games start to feel stale. It may be that you’re...

Grab an Ironsight Zigzag Booster Pack from Gamigo and MOP

Gamigo's open beta multiplayer shooter Ironsight has followed up its Steam launch ahead of the holidays with a new community event called Bounty Hunt: Apex...

The MOP Up: AdventureQuest 3D’s studio is up 1.8 million new players

We've seen a lot of New Year speeches given by MMO studios over the past week, including Artix Entertainment's rallying cry for AdventureQuest 3D....