
The Stream Team: Hippity hoppity HEX is on its way!

Today, death comes upon the soft furry paws of a cuddly bunny as MassivelyOP's MJ dives back into the PvP campaign in HEX on...
The Olympic committee looks really different now.

Analyst argues game devs are abandoning free-to-play in some genres

Red Fox Insights analyst Jake Parmley has another piece on Gamasutra this week, this one arguing that video game developers are "backing away from...

The Stream Team: Battling the boss in HEX’s dream dungeon

MassivelyOP's MJ powered through HEX's dream dungeon like a boss! However, now she needs to actually face the end boss. After she's battled a...
This game really provides no shortage of illustrations we need for this.

Blizzard and Twitch address harassment defiling game event streams

In case you had forgotten since yesterday's news that RuneScape had to ban players for running around in-game wearing KKK costumes and shrieking racial...

HEX has purged inactive accounts, but don’t despair yet

If you woke up this morning to an email in your inbox telling you your HEX account has been permanently deleted, you're not alone,...

Elder Scrolls Legends explains prophecy card mechanic

Can Bethesda crack open the Magic: The Gathering market with its own upcoming digital card game? Many game studios have tried, to varying degrees...
Lord of Vermilion Arena

Square-Enix sunsets Lord of Vermilion MOBA in June

We're sorry to report today that Square-Enix is sunsetting Lord of Vermilion Arena. We first covered the MOBA, which was based on the Lord...

The MOP Up: Blizzard’s mobile prospects (May 15, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Empyrean is building ‘MMOs you can beat’

Empyrean Interactive is coining a new acronym this season: PCA, which stands for persistent cooperative adventure, a "radically different" take on the MMO genre. Studio...

EverQuesting: The gaffe of gating EverQuest II’s content behind a sub

With last week's release of GU100 in EverQuest II, an interesting conversation reared its head again -- a not necessarily flattering one for Daybreak. While...

The Stream Team: HEX’s harrowing dream dungeon

HEX dreams are better labeled nightmares, since you are fighting for your life! MassivelyOP's MJ had just stepped into Sister Midnight's dream dungeon last...

The MOP Up: Allods’ Gibberling Festival (May 1, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Yeah, it doesn't say anything good.

Hearthstone announces 50 million registered players

The latest Hearthstone expansion release coincides with another bombshell for the game, with an official announcement from Activision Blizzard boasting that the game has...

Hearthstone’s Whispers of the Old Gods means never having to say you’re ‘sorry’

Hearthstone's Whispers of the Old Gods expansion launches today. First teased via Brooklyn mural last month, the update includes new game formats, friendly challenge meny...

Massively Overthinking: The ‘next’ EverQuest

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Patreon donor Roger, who fully admits he still has EverQuest Next on the brain. "Since we won't...

The Elder Scrolls Legends TCG is finally making its closed beta move

Remember Elder Scrolls Legends, the online TCG that Bethsoft teased at last year's E3? The one that was supposed to launch in 2015? The...

Blizzard begins distributing Overwatch’s digital goodies

If you haven't noticed, Blizzard sure does love to cross-promote its games through special edition extras. Encouraging players to explore the entire Blizzard ecosystem...

Hearthstone confirms April 26 launch for Whispers of the Old Gods

Talk about those old gods, man. They are always dreaming inky doom for fleshy mortals, rising up through shower drains to interrupt your karaoke,...
Well all right, then.

HEX is now available on Steam

If you are already playing HEX, you probably don't personally need the option to pick it up on Steam, but it works out for...

The MOP Up: ARK’s free PvP version goes wide (April 17, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...