
A major global studio based in South Korea, known in the west for games like WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Aion, among many others.

Unpredictable aliens are invading Ship of Heroes next weekend

City of Heroes veterans no doubt fondly (or not-so-fondly) recall the numerous Rikti invasions that happened in Paragon City over the years. Ship of...

Guild Wars 2 is adding new underwater functionality for Skimmer mounts August 25

If you ever thought Guild Wars 2's graceful water-based mount, the Skimmer, looked more like something that should be flitting about under the ocean...

Guild Wars 2 is planning some quality-of-life changes for Drizzlewood Coast next week

The Drizzlewood Coast map and its associated metas have been the subject of chatter in the Guild Wars 2 for months now, as players...

Guild Wars 2’s Festival of the Four Winds returns August 11

It's been only a week since Guild Wars 2 dropped its latest content episode, but already the ArenaNet team is moving to the next...
Oh great.

Perfect Ten: Ten things to do when you just want to chill out in an MMO

Let's face it: Sometimes, playing MMORPGs -- as with any video game -- has the potential to stress us out. We might feel under...

The Daily Grind: Who is the greatest female NPC in an MMO?

From Jaina to Wonder Woman, Vette to Galadriel, MMORPGs sport an inspiring roster of strong and fascinating women. Sometimes they headline the game, as...

The MOP Up: All Points Bulletin revs its engine upgrade

This past weekend, Little Orbit's All Points Bulletin ran its second open beta test as it prepares to roll out the huge Unreal Engine...

Jukebox Heroes: The ultimate guide to MMORPG music

It's been a long, strange, and wonderful journey to explore MMORPG music with you here in Jukebox Heroes. And while I am anticipating many...

One Shots: The ultimate tree house

When I asked for pictures of plant houses in online games, I wasn't quite expecting that notion to sprout and grow into this tremendous...

The Guild Wars 2 community is debating whether precursors belong in lockboxes

Guild Wars 2 players are busy on Reddit this week debating whether precursors should be even tangentially in the Black Lion chest loot table...

The Soapbox: Powercreep in MMOs sucks – so how do we solve it?

We all love multiplayer, persistent world online games, don’t we? Players stay for the familiarity, nostalgia, and potential for years of enjoyment. Studios love...
Oh look.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs I was very wrong about

Here's a not-actually-very-secret bit of honesty about the industry that I have been working in for about a decade now: I am not actually...

Valiance Online posts two-minute gameplay video ahead of open beta

The other day when I heard that Valiance Online was going to hold a one-week open beta event in August, I rushed to my...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First Impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Jormag Rising, live today

Just two short months ago, Guild Wars 2 introduced us to the Drizzlewood Coast, flashpoint of the civil war between the Charr United Legions...

Global Chat: Your complete LOTRO wedding guide

Is your mind whirling with all of the things to do with Lord of the Rings Online's new Midsummer Festival and the associated wedding...

Guild Wars 2 takes fans through the design process of the Assault on the Frost Citadel meta-event

With the next episode of Guild Wars 2 mere days away, a couple of devs at ArenaNet -- senior designer Bryan Yarrow and designer...

Superhero MMO Valiance Online plans an open beta in August

Of the big three City of Heroes-inspired superhero MMOs, Valiance Online probably wasn't the one most folks expected to be next in line for...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert’s outlook in the lead-up to Crimson Desert

I've played nothing but the Black Desert season servers in the last month. It's such a fresh breath of air, and it's something I...

Blade & Soul’s Dark Passage patch is live today with a new 12-person raid

Happy patch day for Blade & Soul fans! Dark Passage is officially live today. At the core of the update is the Silversteel Laboratory,...

Guild Wars 2’s voice actors miss you, too

On the last episode of the podcast, Bree said that she was going to hold off playing any of the newer Guild Wars 2...