
Not scary any more.

Final Fantasy XI announces the plans for its March version update

The days of doing everything in a full alliance have passed for Final Fantasy XI. Much of the content that used to require alliances...
Hold me closer.

Vote on the name for the next TERA class (from a list of options)

The next class coming to TERA is named the Paragon... or perhaps it isn't. There's no clear way to translate the name that sounds...
The what where who?

Aion is launching patch 5.3 on March 8

Is Aion one of those games for you that you keep meaning to check out again but need a good reason to do so?...
Power overwhelming.

WildStar launches the Power of the Primal Matrix on March 8

Ready to start getting even more powerful after you hit the level cap in WildStar? You can do exactly that with the game's Power...
She's being added, but most of her clothing isn't.

TERA offers players the chance to reserve a Paragon name

The Paragon class is on its way to TERA, which is a good thing; it's another class to play. But how do you know...
Still at a zero for sold ships that aren't actually usable, though.

Elite: Dangerous begins testing the 2.3 Commanders beta

Avatars! Multicrew ships! Balance changes! Nouns with exclamation points! Yes, the latest Elite: Dangerous patch has a whole lot of stuff contained therein, and...

Path of Exile shows off the many, many challenges of the Legacy Challenge League

When Path of Exile patch 2.6 launches, you're going to have some challenges to overcome. The Legacy Challenge League boasts 40 different challenges for...

Final Fantasy XIV brings out new delivery and weapon quests with patch 3.55a

Ready to take on Proto-Ultima with several other people? Ready to finish off your anima weapon quests? Or are you just looking forward to...
Wait for it.

DC Universe Online makes Weapon Combos more potent over time

Weapon combos are the main source of damage for players who focus on weapons in DC Universe Online. This is not a complex or...

The Doomfist has been stolen on Overwatch’s test server

There have been hints of it flying around for quite some time from Overwatch datamining, but now it's happened. A Twitter update first posted...

Path of Exile explains its rebalancing philosophy for patch 2.6

When The Fall of Oriath goes live, Path of Exile will undergo quite a bit of balance adjustment. But why wait until then? The...
New content rarely has videos.

Final Fantasy XIV previews a new trial and new deliveries for patch 3.55a

The bad news about Patch 3.55a for Final Fantasy XIV is the stuff it's not going to contain. If you're eagerly awaiting the conclusion...
Challenge: Get queued up.

Eternal Crusade makes loadouts more flexible with widespread balance changes

It's been a bit quieter than normal on the Eternal Crusade front this month, but that was due to a large-scale rebalancing patch being...
Insufficiently slow.

Pokemon Go adds the second generation of pokemon to the game

It's time for you to go out and catch some Gen 2 starters and maybe a Wooper or a Miltank. The second generation of...
Who's a good dog?

Dofus introduces the Ouginak class

Whatever else you might think about Dofus, you have to admit that the game is resistant to pigeonholing. The game's most recent update rolls...
don't make

World of Warcraft’s Hazzikostas discusses the goals for future Artifact Power implementation

There has been some back-and-forth about World of Warcraft's Artifact Power system. The problem that people have run into, essentially, is that the game's...
I mean... yeah, okay.

Star Trek Online brings Agents of Yesterday to consoles

The original Star Trek series has come to consoles with the latest update to Star Trek Online. Sure, you could always stream the original...

EVE Online deploys ‘Guardian’s Gala’ patch on Valentine’s day

Not everything on February 14th needs to be all about pink lace and floating hearts. EVE Online, for example, is rolling out a nice...
Yes, no, maybe, I don't know.

Skyforge answers player questions about future development plans

Power scaling in video games is weird, and it gets even weirder than usual in Skyforge simply because you're playing actual gods. So you...
But there was loot.

Neverwinter explains how players wind up in the River District

Have you ever wished that in the middle of a Neverwinter adventure you might hear a record scratch, followed by your character turning to...