
Jump around, etc.

Vindictus offers players a jump-start to 75 as it prepares for Delia

If you've been away from Vindictus for a while, you might be wondering what's going on with the game. The answer is that it's...
He can talk!

Landmark adds in new races, new story options, and new prop functions

Today's Landmark patch will go hand-in-hand with the new appearance pack for players, allowing you to pay money to make your character something other...
I wanna be like her, wanna look like her, wanna act like her.

Final Fantasy XIV dives into the Deep Dungeon content

In the South Shroud in Final Fantasy XIV, there is a hole, and inside of the hole there lives unspeakable horror. It's the entry...
Big time.

Get caught up on Gigantic’s major alpha changes

There have been a lot of changes since you last played Gigantic. It may have had a significant UI overhaul. It may have tweaked...
I expected blacker.

Black Desert Online launches the Valencia Part One update

Ready to head into the desert in Black Desert Online? If not, why not? Few other titles are so explicit about where you're going,...
Ironically, it's a better value at this point than most actual DC comics.

Episode 25 arrives in DC Universe Online today

The Penguin is opening the Iceberg Lounge in Gotham City. That is... probably not a good thing, but it's still legal. So of course,...

Find out how to make the most of Guild Wars 2’s Ley-Line event

It's been a while since Guild Wars 2 shook hands with its old friend the Living Story, huh? Well, the good news is that...
Really deep down.

The Division’s Underground DLC is live for the Xbox One and PC today

There's a secret war raging in the streets beneath Manhattan in The Division. You know, in addition to the very obvious war raging above...
Cute Monster GIrl Squadron, ASSEMBLE!

Landmark will introduce the Fantasy Appearance Pack at the end of the week

Landmark is a game in which you can make a wide variety of different things to suit your deepest desires. Want to make a...
Anything is a ship if you call it that.

EVE Online prepares for Alliance Tourney XIV

Are you the best of the best when it comes to ship-to-ship combat in EVE Online? You'll have your chance to prove how good...
Now I'm the best thing ever!

WildStar is gearing up to sell max-level character boosts

Are you eager to hit the level cap in WildStar without quite so much of that "playing WildStar"? In other words, would you like...
It's not just me, right?

Wisdom of Nym: The implications of Final Fantasy XIV’s E3 content

I am honestly fairly sure that I know where the entrance to to the Deep Dungeon will lie when it comes out in July....
A dragon's dog, Ma.

Dragon’s Dogma Online is launching its season 2 update on June 30th

You can buy Dragon's Dogma on Steam right now for on sale (as with most things on Steam right now), so it's entirely plausible...
Fight me, coward.

Champions Online overhauls its costume creator significantly

Half of the fun to be had in Champions Online is just about putting together a character costume. Unfortunately, that's gotten more and more...
Time to update.

Star Trek Online details the stats for its temporal ships

We're going to blow your mind with a stunning revelation: Star Trek Online takes place in the future. Yes, this game full of spaceships...
All of the ladies in this game seem to have an actual class of Clothing Avoider.

Blade & Soul’s Soul Fighter update is live today

The Soul Fighter does not actually fight souls in Blade & Soul. No more than any other class, anyhow. It mostly fights with soul,...
I am not supporting this lizard-shooting quest.

Anarchy Online outlines its 15-year anniversary celebration

The Anarchy Online servers have been going for 15 years now. That's a long time for a game to be running. If the game...
Longer than it is wide.

EVE Online will discontinue its in-game browser in October

Do you enjoy the option to just read ridiculous stuff on the Internet during the blander periods of EVE Online play? It's hard not...
My track record has been pretty good!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.3 in review, part two

Between all of the stuff in patch 3.3 and the plethora of reveals from this year's E3, my cup runs over with parts of...
Play ALL the people.

WildStar makes plans to become more alt-friendly

Alternate characters can be important in MMOs. If you're playing a game that doesn't allow for swapping classes, it's a chance to try out...