World of Warcraft shows off the new customizable cars coming with the Undermine(d) update
No matter how hard you might try in World of Warcraft, you cannot replace your horse's hooves. There are no tools to lower the...
Embers Adrift’s latest patch offers a crafting revamp and new chat macros
Are you playing Embers Adrift to craft equipment and then chew on said equipment? Well, the bad news is that the crafting overhaul in...
Past Fate talks up its latest development update with added jiggle physics
If you have been keeping an eye on the seemingly grim-and-grimy world of Kickstarted MMO Past Fate but held off jumping into the game...
Final Fantasy XIV is considering taking legal action against a stalker-empowering game mod
If you're a part of the Final Fantasy XIV community beyond a certain level of engagement, you are no doubt aware of the game's...
Star Wars The Old Republic fixes a plethora of issues in its newest patch
The latest patch for Star Wars: The Old Republic does not deliver a big chunk of content to players or a whole bunch of...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO patch that punched above its usual weight?
Whatever your MMO of choice has as a patch schedule, the game has a cadence to it. You expect certain things from a patch....
Terraria plans to release its final update, really, in the near future
The next big patch for Terraria, patch 1.4.5, is going to be the game's final update. Really. "Wait, didn't that already happen?" you ask,...
Star Trek Online kicks off the 2025 event campaign with its No-Win Scenario
Despite the name of the event being No-Win Scenario, there is actually a win condition for Star Trek Online players participating in its event...
Lynked Banner of the Spark’s upcoming Frostbyte patch features rain and snow alike
Lynked Banner of the Spark is showing off its soon-arriving Frostbyte patch, and guess what? It features weather! Weather from the classic "things falling...
Final Fantasy XIV shows off its role quest conclusion while its UI designer talks about his craft
So if you've cleared all of the role quests in Final Fantasy XIV, you know that as it currently stands the Passage of the...
World of Warcraft Classic will add the Karazhan Crypts with the next phase of Season of Discovery
Well, they did it. They finally freaking did it. Years after players were finding the hidden crypt segment beneath Karazhan in World of Warcraft that...
Temtem Swarm gets a minor quality-of-life patch while promising a content update preview this week
The players who have decided that Temtem Swarm is indeed their jam would like some new content. The players who are more dedicated to...
The Elder Scrolls Online’s Fallen Banners DLC and update 45 hit the public test server
If you're worried about the future of The Elder Scrolls Online updates and its overall content cadence right now... we know. We're worried too....
Final Fantasy XI adds a new high-end Cloud of Darkness fight with its latest patch
We know, you're looking at that headline and wondering if we're not thinking of another online game in this franchise, but we really aren't....
World of Warcraft’s Undermine update is up on the test server – let the datamining begin
If you've long waited to go to the Goblin capital in World of Warcraft, your chance is now here. Not on the live game...
World of Warcraft is adding a third tribute to Mats ‘Ibelin’ Steen in the form of an NPC in patch 11.1
There are already two memorials for the player Mats "Ibelin" Steen, a World of Warcraft player who suffered from Duchenne muscular dystrophy, within the...
Mabinogi adds the Astrologer skills to its lineup with the first part of the Astrologer update
In real life, astrology is the art of putting together a sequence of words that sound generically flattering and advise people to avoid doing...
Lynked: Banner of the Spark delays some of its planned winter update features to 2025
Sometimes you bite off a little more than you can chew. For the vast majority of people, doing so doesn't really have many negative...
Albion Online’s fourth Horizons update is a patch full of combat balance changes
You kids today fail to give the Dreadstorm Monarch's Eye of the Storm ability the respect it deserves in Albion Online, and so the...
MultiVersus welcomes Adventure Time’s Marceline into its roster
It's not really Marceline's fault that at this point, "vampire queen" isn't even the scariest theoretical thing to fight against in MultiVersus even on...