Lynked Banner of the Spark’s upcoming Frostbyte patch features rain and snow alike

This is not welcoming to snow.

Lynked Banner of the Spark is showing off its soon-arriving Frostbyte patch, and guess what? It features weather! Weather from the classic “things falling out of the sky onto the ground below” family, even, currently including rain and snow. Not included are that thing where it rains and snows at the same time or when what falls out of the sky is hail, electricity, fish, dust, acidic rain, or airplane parts. That last one might not qualify as “weather” per se, and it’s also much harder to play in the sun with new critters making an airplane-part-man.

Oh, right, there are new critters coming too! So you can hunt those down while also enjoying the new limited-time events you can take part in. A specific date is not included beyond “soon,” but at least you know it will arrive with a gently falling snow. Or rain. One or the other! (Although it does promise much more, we don’t assume the “more” includes more weather.)

Readers will recall that Lynked is a Dreamhaven-published co-op roguelike that popped onto our radar as Dreamhaven is former Blizzard boss Mike Morhaime’s new company. MOP’s Sam sampled the game in early access last year and found its combat and lifeskill content charming.

Source: Twitter
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