We know, you’re looking at that headline and wondering if we’re not thinking of another online game in this franchise, but we really aren’t. Yes, Final Fantasy XI is pitting players against the Cloud of Darkness in a powered-up form this month, with the newest patch adding The Orb’s Radiance as a new high-end mission battlefield. Jump into the fight and face off against the final boss of Rhapsodies of Vana’diel in a powered-up form, and either you win or you run out of time. That’s how you leave. Good luck!
Other changes include the swapping of monthly Ambuscade targets, new monthly Records of Eminence objectives, and the addition of new items. All of which will be familiar to players of the game who have grown accustomed to the patch cycle, but all of which is also well worth recounting. So no matter where you go in the online Final Fantasy games lately, you’re dealing with Jeuno and a turbo-charged Cloud of Darkness.