player housing

No screenshots yet, obviously.

Playable Worlds’ hiring page suggests Raph Koster’s upcoming MMO is a AAA sandbox

We're assuming that we're destined to hear a lot more about Playable Worlds' incoming MMORPG in the near future, what with Raph Koster's promise...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: The wide umbrella of MMOs and online gaming subgenres

Let's be realistic here, "MMO" as a term covers a whole lot of different game styles. I know this is a particular topic that...

The Game Archaeologist: The online world of Diablo II

Most of us probably weren't expecting to see Diablo II once again propelled into the spotlight in the year 2021, but the BlizzCon announcement...

Lord of the Rings Online’s Wildwood update is here with new quests, instances, and the spring festival

It's patch day over in Lord of the Rings Online - everyone come to me! I mean to Bree! Bree-land! Because that's where the...

Whatever happened to turn-based MMO Stash?

I really wanted this "Whatever Happened To" article to be a positive one, and in a way, part of it is: Frogdice's MMO Stash...

The Daily Grind: Do you wish Guild Wars 2 had proper player housing?

A few weeks back, in response to a dumb joke I made about Guild Wars 2's endless parade of cash-shop chairs, MOP's Justin quipped,...
How am I supposed to remember you if you won't let me forget?

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen addresses crafting and harvesting in latest dev roundtable

It's time once again to listen to a developer from Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen talk about a game feature for roughly an hour...
And again.

Perfect Ten: The top 10 things to love about Elder Scrolls Online

Having finally clicked hard with Elder Scrolls Online this winter, I find that it's difficult to restrain myself from gushing about pleasant discoveries (and...

ArcheAge Unchained begins the process of its EU and NA ‘server evolution’

You've got it wrong, friends. The servers aren't merging to fewer servers in order to keep game populations together; they're evolving into something new....

Perfect 10: Ten features I want to see in Splatoon 3

The announcement of Splatoon 3 has actually shown me that I know more Splat fans than I thought I did. Like, people who are still playing despite the lack of...

One Shots: Even adventurers like to be tucked in to sleep

Slaying a bajillion creatures, hauling around blood-splattered loot, and going through a repeated death-resurrection cycle sure does take it out on the intrepid adventurer....

Bungie swells its studio size and seeks to expand the Destiny IP with ‘new stories and experiences’

It would appear that things are going just swimmingly for Destiny 2 studio Bungie. In a recent press release, the company announced that it...

LOTRO producer Q&A: Legendary item revamp, closed world transfers, difficulty sliders, and more

Executive Producer Rob Ciccolini joined the Friday Lord of the Rings Online livestream this week to do a seat-of-his-pants Q&A with fans who showed...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs to get you out of your gaming rut

We have all been there. You've been gaming in your standard comfort MMOs when one day you hit that wall of burnout. You feel...
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: What Final Fantasy XIV has lined up for patch 5.5

Amidst all the news last week, the live letter for Final Fantasy XIV kind of got shoved off into the corner, didn't it? Partly...

Not So Massively: Torchlight III is less than the sum of its parts

Last summer in this very column, I argued that ARPGs are the pizza of gaming: Even when they're bad, they're still pretty good. The Torchlight...

Large-scale multiplayer Neverwinter Nights persistent world Arelith is getting a new city tomorrow

If you've been following The Game Archaeologist column all the way back to Massively-That-Was, you maybe will recall a piece from June 2014 about...
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: Everything we now know about Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker

So, hey, the moon! That's a place we haven't been yet, isn't it? We've blown up a moon in Final Fantasy XIV (or had...
Three years of this.

OrbusVR celebrates three years of operation with a scavenger hunt

It's hard to believe that OrbusVR has been running for three years now, but the numbers don't lie and it's true. And it's been a...

The Daily Grind: How much effort do you want to put into MMO housing?

Housing! It's fashionable, it's fun, it's extensive, it gives your character in a given game a place to spend time other than milling around...