player housing

I'm sorry this is the only long-form article you're likely to get, Twin Saga.

Twin Saga enters open beta today with Dragonknights, level cap of 65

Aeria's Twin Saga MMORPG enters open beta in the west as of today. The company says that closed beta saw 700,000 logins and 250,000...

Crowfall answers more questions on building in your Eternal Kingdom

Player housing? Pah. That's thinking small. Now Crowfall, Crowfall is working on delivering its players the keys to citadels, castles, and palaces. It's a...

Guardians of Ember hack’n’slash MMO launches early access next month

You might remember InselGames as the studio that tried to bring back L.A.W. as Trinium Wars, which didn't go well in the west and...
I have to chop SO MUCH right now.

Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.4 arrives on September 27th

The third anniversary of Final Fantasy XIV's relaunch hit over the weekend, and the game's development team took the opportunity to celebrate... by talking...

The MOP Up: Going on a pirate hunt (August 28, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Massively Overthinking: Guilty pleasures in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Patron Duane, who asks, "Do you take simple joy in MMO mechanics that are often referred...

Roleplay-centric MMORPG Ever, Jane waltzes into open beta

3 Turn Productions announced this afternoon that Ever, Jane is officially in open beta. Yes, this is the roleplayer-centric, Jane Austen-themed MMORPG, complete with...

Perfect Ten: My favorite features in RIFT

RIFT receives too little of the MMORPG community's attention, partially due to its age (six years now), contentious feelings toward Trion Worlds, or a perception...
I'm sorry this is the only long-form article you're likely to get, Twin Saga.

Grab a Twin Saga closed beta key from MOP and Aeria

Twin Saga, a cutesy anime import from Aeria Games that's notable for its nifty classes and housing, is in the middle of a closed...
You either didn't like the last answer or you didn't care then or now.

League of Legends community clashes with Riot over e-sports, patches, and money

It's no surprise when drama crops up in a gaming community of millions, especially when professional e-sports and money are involved. So it goes...
Somewhere, across the sea, somewhere.

Wisdom of Nym: Three years since Final Fantasy XIV’s relaunch

When the last anniversary rolled around, we were coming off of an expansion launch for Final Fantasy XIV, one of the smoothest launches I...
Ultima Online

The Daily Grind: Do you seek out empty MMORPG servers?

Empty MMORPG servers freak me out. It isn't as though I don't play plenty of singleplayer games and sims and RPGs and can't stand to...

Global Chat: Deaf gamers and MMO captioning

What is it like to play MMORPGs if you're deaf? Just ask Stars of the Spiral's Kelsey, who talks of her condition and why...

WildStar’s Sim-Chase event returns this weekend

Carbine has resurrected WildStar's Sim-Chase event. First run back in January, the event challenges players to complete Adventures on both sides of the factional divide...
Whoooo likes teleporting?

Project Gorgon aims for Steam early access ‘soon’

Starved for news concerning indie MMO Project Gorgon? Then prepare to gorge yourself silly on a new developer diary that stuffs so much info...

Fragmented’s latest live build should make crafters happy

Fragmented's latest patch is a big one for player crafters as it adds batch crafting to the crafting stations in the game. The better...
Avec les hommes et le Pokey.

Five IPs that could tackle ARG gameplay features Pokemon Go lacks

Following the news that Niantic is now in fact working on a Harry Potter AR game, I realized that even as someone who enjoyed the...

Revelation Online will boast giant turtle housing

Housing is definitely becoming more accepted across the MMORPG genre, so while it may not be a surprise that the upcoming Revelation Online will...

Albion Online kicks off final beta, plus highlights from the AMA

Albion Online's final beta phase kicks off today, with a reported $7 million under its belt in crowdfunds. Over the weekend, the team ran...

The Game Archaeologist: True Fantasy Live Online

As an extremely amateur historian -- and an extremely attractive archaeologist -- I've always been fascinated with the "what ifs" of gaming's timeline. What...