progression server

Lord of the Rings Online’s ultra-slow progression server finally hits level 100 this week

Almost three years after it first launched, Lord of the Rings Online's Treebeard server is finally hitting the level 100 threshold this week. The game's...

Blizzard says adding raid finder to WoW Cataclysm Classic is a matter of player feedback

LFR. Three little letters that can apparently spell intense psychic damage to a certain class of player in World of Warcraft Classic. With the...

EverQuest launches Teek and Tormax, a new pair of time-locked expansion servers for subscribers

The O.G. EverQuest is at it again, as the classic MMO launched a pair of highly anticipated new time-locked progression (TLP) shards this week...
Create and destroy alike!

EG7 Q1 2024: Daybreak still mum on PlanetSide 2, new H1Z1 game hires lead designer

It's not even been two weeks since Daybreak owner EG7 published its 2023 annual financial report, which of course omitted everything relevant that happened...

WoW Classic expounds upon Cataclysm’s content rollout next week

If you aren't being distracted by Retail's Pandaria Remix, perhaps you'll take a further step back with next week's launch of Cataclysm in WoW...

Here’s how EverQuest and EverQuest II 2024 progression servers – Anashti Sul, Teek, and Tormax – will work

When Daybreak dropped producer letters for EverQuest and EverQuest II earlier this month, the MMORPG fanbase immediately started buzzing about the new progression servers...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 465: Remixing Pandaria

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's Mists of Pandaria remix, new progression servers for EverQuest and EverQuest II, WoW Cataclysm Classic pre-patch, Blizzard's return to China, Blizzard's new mystery game, FFXIV's Dawntrail benchmark, Sky Childreon of the Light, Palia layoffs, and the Stop Killing Games game preservation movement, plus adventures in LOTRO.
Local Panda Recalls When She Was Special.

WoW Factor: What’s a Mists of Pandaria remix and why is World of Warcraft doing it?

In hindsight, I feel like I was gentler toward Season of Mastery than I should have been. World of Warcraft has turned everything into...

Classic EverQuest announces two new time-locked progression servers, Teek and Tormax, launching May 22

It'd be tempting to assume that EverQuest's producer's letter would just mirror EverQuest II's earlier this week, as Darkpaw head of studio Jenn Chan...

Massively Overthinking: Would you pay for a Guild Wars 1 revival?

WoodenPotatoes had a fun video this past weekend about Classic Guild Wars 1, and I fully admit I clicked on it just to hear...

EverQuest II announces a new 2006-era progression server called Origins, hitting beta in May

The latest EverQuest II producer's letter has arrived, and while the majority of it is recap of things you already knew about - like...

Casually Classic: When will WoW Classic stop adding expansions?

This spring, the era of Wrath Classic will officially come to an end when the Cataclysm Classic pre-patch hits ahead of the summer launch....

MassivelyOP’s 2023 Golden Yachties: Best Worst MMO Post

We're wrapping up MassivelyOP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards today as we present our award for Best Worst MMO Post. Yes, it's the Golden Yachties series,...

The Daily Grind: What non-standard MMO server ruleset do or did you love?

Much earlier on in the genre, MMOs often fielded numerous types of server rulesets. It wasn't just PvP and PvE; there were those that...

Lord of the Rings Online preps a Corsairs of Umbar content patch for next week

Speedy LOTRO players who zipped through Corsairs of Umbar and are now twiddling their thumbs impatiently have mere days to wait before more content...

Casually Classic: Which version of WoW Classic is right for you?

Choice is a double-edged sword: Too little of it is restricting and frustrating, yet too much can lead to decision paralysis and feeling overwhelmed....

EverQuest players are raising the alarm over an economy-crushing dupe exploit

The EverQuest community is up in arms over what's being perceived as a meager response to a major problem that has reportedly crashed...

Casually Classic: BlizzCon took WoW Classic into the ‘plus’ era

While the three-expansion revelation of World of Warcraft's Worldsoul Saga stole the show at BlizzCon this past weekend, I was even more excited --...

Massively Overthinking: The impact of jump start servers in MMOs

With Chris' Choose My Adventure run on Lost Ark - specifically, on its jump-start servers - coming to a close, I thought it would...
Seriously, though, whatever.

Casually Classic: Hardcore realms are merely a Band-Aid for WoW Classic

Let's pause for a hot minute to absorb the fact that WoW Classic just hit its fourth anniversary. For the reheated leftovers of an...