Blizzard says adding raid finder to WoW Cataclysm Classic is a matter of player feedback


LFR. Three little letters that can apparently spell intense psychic damage to a certain class of player in World of Warcraft Classic. With the progression servers now in the Cataclysm age, the question of whether the raid finder will make a comeback has arisen once more, and lead software engineer Nora Valletta and principal game designer Kris Zierhut have some thoughts.

In short, the devs are still adamant that LFR will not be in Cata Classic, but at the same time they’re open to player feedback on the matter:

“[W]e actually don’t have plans for introducing it at this time to Cataclysm Classic. That’s not to say that we will never introduce it. That’s not to say that we won’t necessarily decide if enough players are letting us know, ‘Hey, that is actually something we really want to see.’ We may decide to introduce it later on, but at this moment in time, we don’t have any plans of introducing Raid Finder to Cataclysm Classic.”

As for why LFR isn’t in the game, Zierhut says that its inclusion goes against the community spirit of the Classic servers. “I think people play Classic to this day because they want to keep playing with all the friends they made along the way,” he reasons. “My gut says that there’s not as much demand for it from players, so we may never actually do it.”

This naturally brings up the question of why dungeon finder was added despite earlier assertions of #NoChanges; here the devs argue that its return was about serving lower-level players to let them form groups for less popular dungeons, while raid finder didn’t serve the same purpose. That said, the Cata Classic raids were confirmed by other Blizzard devs to be in the MMORPG’s post-nerf state.

sources: Game Rant via Reddit, Wowhead
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