EverQuest launches Teek and Tormax, a new pair of time-locked expansion servers for subscribers


The O.G. EverQuest is at it again, as the classic MMO launched a pair of highly anticipated new time-locked progression (TLP) shards this week for subscribers. This marks the first time that EverQuest rolled out two, rather than one, new TLP servers since 2021.

So say hello to Teek and Tormax! Tormax is a standard time-locked server, with a new expansion becoming available every eight to 12 weeks with an initial slower XP progression rate. However, Teek shakes things up more with random loot and free trade: “Loot from rares and raids is randomized so that NPCs/raids of similar level and expansion can drop any of their loot.”

EverQuest’s progression servers have become a major attraction that has rejuvenated interest over the recent years. The previous TLP shard was Oakwynd, which came out in May 2023.

EverQuest Progression Servers invite everyone to go back and relive those bygone eras again,” Daybreak said. “For some, they are a wonderful stroll down memory lane, a chance to relive memories of the past. For others, they are a chance to make those memories for the first time, to see those legendary times they missed the first time around. For everyone, EverQuest Progression Servers are an invitation to start anew in what is unquestionably one of the most incredible gaming experiences, ever.”

Source: EverQuest
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