
See: Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

We worship things being set on fire.

Skyforge expands Pantheon functionality with its first major patch

Pantheons are a pretty big deal for gods. You get your own worshippers, but you also get to sort of time-share worshippers with the...

Visionary Realms adds three Pantheon devs

Brad McQuaid's dev team for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen just got a little bit bigger. A post on the game's forum welcomes senior...

Pantheon’s Brad McQuaid on mass market MMOs, Smed’s resignation

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's Brad McQuaid has a word or two (thousand) to say about the ongoing debate as to what constitutes an...
There are no limits! But in another very real way, there are hard and immediate limits.

How to progress in Skyforge after the weekly spark cap

Weekly limits in Skyforge are everywhere, putting a limit on how far and how fast players can progress in the game. In some ways...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World introduces Issue #12: To the Dark Tower Below

We've known for quite some time that The Secret World's next issue would be dungeon-based. We also knew it would take place under the...
Forum rejoinder attack!

Skyforge introduces the new Aelinet Portal on June 30th

Nowhere is Skyforge's sci-fi/fantasy setting blend more evident than with the in-game access to a specialized network meant for other aspiring deities. The portal...

Pantheon reveals its Dark Myr race

The Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen devs have revealed a new race on the fantasy MMO's forums. The Dark Myr "hail from the planet...

Pantheon boasts Unity 5 visuals, prepares internal alpha test

Could it be that Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is starting to look... really pretty? A new in-game screenshot of Avendyr's Pass shows how...

Not So Massively: LoL’s Reddit controversy, HotS’ Heroes of the Dorm

If ever we needed evidence that e-sports are fast becoming more like real-life sports, this week's MOBA news provided it. Dota 2 announced that...

Pantheon devs release part two of lengthy audiocast

The Pantheon devs got together for a roundtable podcast on February 28th, and they released the second part of the audio clip yesterday. Creative...