
Perfect Ten: The final minutes of beloved MMORPGs

"This is how the world ends," T S Eliot wrote in his famous poem, "not with a bang, but with a whimper." That might well...
da da da da da da

Star Wars: The Old Republic will add weapon tunings outside of the cash shop

Cosmetic options are a very big part of Star Wars: The Old Republic, so adding a new cosmetic option to the game is going...

EVE Online player uses patch trick to dominate the PLEX market

Among the patch notes for EVE Online's recent Citadel expansion release was a fairly innocuous increase in the fees for listing items on the in-game...
It's been quiet.

Elite: Dangerous is pushing the Engineers beta out on May 5th

Eagerly awaiting the next update to Elite: Dangerous? It's been pushed back a fair bit, but it has been confirmed that the next update...

WildStar opens the doors to Vault of the Archon

The heart of WildStar's Arcterra is now open for the plundering. Patch 1.5.1 came to the game today, bringing the promised debut of the Vault...

EVE Online is free-to-play on Steam for the weekend

It's been a long time since EVE Online launched (like, at least a week), and the game is still getting regular updates and improvements....

The Stream Team: May the Fourth (and free cartel packs) be with you in SWTOR

What's better than spending May the fourth (be with you) in SWTOR? Spending it with MassivelyOP’s Larry and MJ in SWTOR! The duo continues...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s heist-themed ‘Profit and Plunder’ chapter stole the show, literally

I believe there is only one word to describe Chapter 13 for Knights of the Fallen Empire: cute. For the six chapters prior to...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 63: Leisure suit Larry

Justin and Larry discuss pristine WoW servers, TSW, Trove, Champs Online, SWTOR, lockboxes, and birthdays in CoH, LOTRO, and Guild Wars.

Elite: Dangerous features in a new Oculus Rift trailer

A new Oculus trailer this week is intent on reminding everyone that Elite: Dangerous is indeed available on the Oculus Rift VR platform. "Frontier was...

The Daily Grind: Do your MMO choices actually reflect your playstyle?

Massively OP reader Leiloni tipped us off to a great blog post by MMO blogger Ethan "Isarii" Macfie, in which the author questions his...

Star Wars: The Old Republic game update 4.4 brings Eternal Championship, weapon customization, and more

Ladies, gents, and Wookiees, make sure you have your bowcaster strapped securely, for Star Wars: The Old Republic is embarking on Game Update 4.4 tomorrow. The...
Hate the player, not the game! It's not the player's fault that they're in the game as it is.

Former PlanetSide 2 Creative Director Matt Higby snapped up by Ubisoft Massive

Looks like former PlanetSide 2 Creative Director has landed on his feet and then some: He posted on Twitter today that he's now working...

WildStar’s Wednesday patch brings Vault of the Archon, new tutorial

It's a big week for a lot of MMOs, WildStar among them. The themepark will update to build 1.5.1 on May 4th, launching the...

Neverwinter announces new guild alliance system

Guild alliances are coming to Neverwinter's Maze Engine campaign on June 7th, at least for PC players (Xbox players, you'll be lagging behind as...

EVE Evolved: Fixing EVE’s New Player Experience (again)

It's become almost a running joke in the comments of articles that EVE Online is a great game to read about but not nearly...
Oh, well, that's exactly like the actual book, you got it cold.

Otherland’s latest patch buffs its player-driven economy

Otherland's 5.5.50 patch this week is a big one for the crafters in its playerbase. "The crafting system has been fully revamped in this...

Elite: Dangerous expounds on engineers and ship modifications

The latest edition of Elite: Dangerous' newsletter is out, and it shines a spotlight on the engineers. A special type of NPC, the engineers...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO business models

Not too long ago, there was all but one way that you would pay for an MMO, and that was as a monthly subscription....

Star Citizen’s Prospector is a covert miner

Those who assume that mining in Star Citizen will be drudgery and boredom personified could have that perspective challenged by piloting the Prospector. The Prospector...