
Star Citizen kicks off an updated Jumptown event and highlights more alpha 3.23 UI updates

Old salts of Star Citizen are probably familiar with Jumptown, a hidden drug fab that developed into a PvP hotspot that was then repurposed...

The MOP Up: Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV boost their soundtracks

Where are my MMO soundtrack lovers today? Guild Wars 2 announced that it's going to be selling a vinyl edition of its Secrets of...

The Daily Grind: What’s the first thing you do when returning to a long-neglected MMO?

I admit that I have a weakness to MMOs that woo me back into playing them. So when SWTOR changed hands to Broadsword and...

Vague Patch Notes: Game preservation is way more complicated than it seems

Before I say anything with this week's article, I want to make something very, very clear right from the premise: As you have probably...

Into the Super-Verse: How to get started with Incarnates in City of Heroes

It wasn't so long ago that I mentioned how pleased I was about City of Heroes matching my different intensity and goals after I...

The Daily Grind: Do you play different MMORPGs for different content types?

A while back on the MOP Podcast, I was waxing on about housing and crafting and player cities in SWG Legends, when Justin asked...

The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming goes into Star Citizen’s Overdrive Initiative

In an era of armchair warriors, we bring you Backseat Streamers! Here, Massively OP’s Chris and MJ get to take a backseat and watch...

Global Chat: What should we be thinking about Guild Wars 3?

The surprising (and not surprising) news that ArenaNet has the go-ahead from NCsoft to develop Guild Wars 3 sent ripples of interest, confusion, and...

Almost five years after killing Player Studio, Daybreak wants to revive a Creator Program

It's weird enough to see a Daybreak press release in my inbox, but this one threw me for a loop as it's for a...

For Science: EVE Online’s Project Discovery initiative opens signups for mobile testing

At EVE Fanfest last fall, CCP Games announced that its latest Project Discovery push would essentially set EVE Online players to training AI in...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 464: Guild Wars 3 is a go

Justin and Bree discuss NCsoft, Guild Wars 3, DCUO, Monsters and Memories, Hellgate, and the LOTRO downtime, with adventures in Elder Scrolls Online, SWTOR, and Valheim, plus a mailbag topic on Palia.

Star Wars The Old Republic plots new story content, Lane Vizla missions, and a spring event in GU 7.5

With Game Update 7.4 already out the door, the Star Wars: The Old Republic dev team is already looking ahead to releasing Game Update...

Working As Intended: The top 10 hot tubs in MMORPGs

It's been a running joke for a few years that I always put hot tubs in my MMO houses whenever possible, and once that...

One Shots: Pollen attack!

There are many ways to kill a man. A dagger in the back. A sifter full of poison. A smothering pillow. A duel at...

Star Citizen highlights on-foot HUD updates arriving in Alpha 3.23

The features list for Star Citizen's Alpha 3.23 release continues to be the focus of CIG's regular video digests. This week, players are looking...

Elite Dangerous previews visual updates of summer’s Powerplay 2.0 while promising more details later

Elite: Dangerous fans likely remember that the start of February had big plans for the spaceship sandbox, including a reworking of the powerplay mechanic...

MMO Business Roundup: The Gearbox sale, GDC 2024, and layoffs for SEGA and Smilegate

Welcome back to another quick roundup of some MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news! Embracer - The ailing games giant announced this morning that the rumored...

Warframe launches Dante Unbound (sans Deep Archimedea) and TennoCon 2024 ticket sales

Dante Unbound hit Warframe last night - just in time for the game's 11th birthday (it soft-launched March 25th, 2013). "Defend the Leverian from...
City again.

Perfect Ten: MMOs that experienced a surprising comeback

It's hard to pass up a really good comeback story. We love it when a beloved something or someone is counted down and out......

EVE Online is running a ‘mass test’ of shadow fixes and other improvements today

How many of our EVE Online playing readers would like to test shadows? Then there's good news for you because CCP Games is scheduling...