Guild Wars 2’s Secrets of the Obscure performed ‘even better than expected,’ ArenaNet says
So, how well did Secrets of the Obscure do for Guild Wars 2? We're not getting hard numbers in ArenaNet's blog post this afternoon...
The Stream Team: Specializing in Skyscale in Guild Wars 2 Skywatch
Now that Massively OP's MJ has started Guild Wars 2's Secrets of the Obscure, she needs to use the Skyscale often. Unfortunately, she never...
Guild Wars 2 kicks off Fractal Rush event through September 19 with today’s update
Today's Guild Wars 2 patch isn't going to dazzle anyone already preoccupied with Secrets of the Obscure, but it's a nice addition all the...
One Shots: Dragons don’t come with windshield wipers
Every time I see someone flying on top of a dragon or other winged mount, all I can imagine is a huge bundle of...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 436: Rise of the Angry River Hobbits
Colin, Justin, and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2 SOTO, LOTRO River Hobbits, New World Rise of the Angry Earth, Gloria Victis' impending sunset, and the impact of MMO currencies.
Massively Overthinking: Does reused content in MMOs bother you?
One of the big complaints I saw on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit right before Secrets of the Obscure launched was the grump that...
The Stream Team: Guild Wars 2’s Mother of Stars
Massively OP's MJ has discovered she's not in Kansas anymore! Not that she ever was; she was in Guild Wars 2's Garenhoff investigating the...
The Daily Grind: Does a quarterly content cadence work for MMORPGs?
I've been mulling over Guild Wars 2's new content cadence for a while now, but last week's roadmap of what to expect in the...
Recapping Guild Wars 2’s Secrets of the Obscure launch
We can't say that the launch of Guild Wars 2's Secrets of the Obscure release went off without a hitch, but it was relatively...
The Stream Team: Starting Guild Wars 2’s Secrets of the Obscure
What craziness is this?! It's launch day, and Massively OP's MJ is diving right into the content -- while it is current! Though fortuitous...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 434: Wayfinder finds the way to early access
Justin and Bree discuss Wayfinder, Palia, DCUO, and Guild Wars 2, with adventures in LOTRO and GW2, plus mailbag topics on spoilers in expansion reveals and the rogue servers of the distant future.
Guild Wars 2’s Secrets of the Obscure expansion is live today – along with a roadmap for what’s next
Guild Wars 2's 2023 expansion, Secrets of the Obscure, is officially rolling out this afternoon to folks who purchased it. As we've been covering,...
The Daily Grind: Are you playing Guild Wars 2 SOTO today – or another big launch?
August is always a super overwhelming month for me, in MMOs and out. I'm always trying to finish up projects in real life before...
Guild Wars 2 video introduces Secrets of the Obscure’s emotionally draining Kryptis
With a new Guild Wars 2 expansion coming out tomorrow, the lofty realm that players are about to explore won't be solely stocked with...
The Daily Grind: What’s your most-wanted MMORPG in 2023?
It's awfully hard to look at all of the project delays we've had this year and not have our patience tested. MMORPG players always...
Guild Wars 2 takes to the skies with Secrets of the Obscure’s flight masteries
Who's ready to take off and soar into Guild Wars 2's wild blue yonder? When the MMO's Secrets of the Obscure arrives next week,...
The Stream Team: Wrapping up Guild Wars 2’s Living World Season 2
Does Massively OP's MJ have good timing (for once), or what? Tonight she's wrapping up Guild Wars 2's Living World Season 2 story --...
Guild Wars 2 explains the Wizard’s Vault seasonal content and rewards
If this morning's big infodump on Guild Wars 2's Secrets of the Obscure wasn't enough for you, then feast your eyeballs on ArenaNet's latest...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Secrets of the Obscure
It has been a weird time to be a Guild Wars 2 fan, with a lot of ups and downs lately. End of Dragons...
Guild Wars 2 exhibits Secrets of the Obscure’s rift hunting in another new vid
When Secrets of the Obscure launches later this month, Guild Wars 2 isn't going to abandon old Tyria in favor of the new zones....