star wars

– Star Wars Galaxies
– Star Wars: The Old Republic

This went over great.

Vague Patch Notes: How to make your points and exit gracefully from online debates

It's 2019, people. Let's do this. And by do this I of course mean learn to actually debate things in a way that might wind up changing...
Yarr, cut out all carbs, got much lighter.

Global Chat: How do we fight early access disasters?

With the year in MMOs ending on a sour note due to the botched rollouts of both Fallout 76 and Atlas, blogger Endgame Variable...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 203: New year, same old loot

Justin, Bree, Eliot, and Chris team up for an end-of-the-year roundtable to recap our massive annual awards rollout, our holiday gaming fun, and the Atlas launch.
Oh, right, you.

Vague Patch Notes: The complexity of classic preservation for MMOs

Here's a fun question to kick things off. Should old black-and-white films be colorized? The key word there is "old," because there are a...

Star Wars Galaxies emulator plans Carrie Fisher tribute event on December 27

When Carrie Fisher died two years ago this month, I actually sat in my car and cried. This is not something I normally do,...

The Stream Team: Double agent fun in SWTOR’s Jedi Under Siege

In order to work for the Republic, Massively OP's MJ apparently has to go back to work for the Empire. And that's after being...

The best Massively OP streams of 2018

Massively OP's long-running Stream Team, unquestionably captained by MJ and her sidekicks Larry and Andrew, got a welcome surprise this year: Our newest writer, Chris...

Jukebox Heroes: More MMO Christmas tunes

Merry Christmas everyone! As you hunker down for family time, presents, eggnog, or simply a quiet day off and some gaming time, chances are...
This was once controversial!

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v2.0

While The Game Archaeologist columns take up the most time of any project I do here at Massively OP, I absolutely love doing them...

The Stream Team: Happy 7th birthday SWTOR!

Massively OP's Larry and MJ are taking a break from Choose My Alignment to bring you a SWTOR anniversary stream! The game from a...

Vague Patch Notes: Understanding systems before you talk about them

Here's a fun question to consider. What were Emblems of Valor and Emblems of Heroism designed to do in World of Warcraft? Yes, they were...
bye, felicia

Choose My Adventure: Summarizing our MMO adventures in 2018

Sometimes I wonder how people think things work behind the scenes here at Massively Overpowered, so let me give a little peek behind the...

SWGEmu reveals costly financial mishap, but the game will continue on

There's some dark news for the original SWGEmu project this week - this'd be the Star Wars Galaxies emu that spawned most of the...

The Daily Grind: Do you start over when you come back to an MMO?

In looking over my history with MMORPGs this year, one trend leaps out at me: In pretty much every old favorite that I returned...
Because it's not real.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 201: Under siege from new content

Justin and Bree discuss holiday events across the MMO world, PlanetSide Arena, SWTOR's Jedi Under Siege, Elite Dangerous, EverQuest, LOTRO, and Pantheon, with mailbag questions on MMO-like communities and ditching MMO quests.

Star Wars Galaxies’ Wookiee Life Day returns on the Legends emu – nobody can sunset the Holiday Special

If for some reason you're angling to check out an MMO holiday inspired by a television special so terrible that George Lucas has spent...

Ultima Online’s Raph Koster says Fortnite is more like an MMO than we might think

It's like people are discovering MMOs all over again. Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies creator Raph Koster recently expressed amusement at the culture and...

The Stream Team: Commemorating Star Wars Galaxies’ deathday in an emu

Massively OP's MJ celebrates Star Wars Galaxies with an Emu romp for its birthday, but this year she's also going to have a memorial...
Ohhh snap.

Star Wars: The Old Republic celebrates seven years with firework backpacks

It's been seven years of playing in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and to celebrate the occasion, players can strap a volatile mixture of explosives...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2018

We've got a lot of awards going out over the next couple of weeks about the "best" and "biggest" of this and that. But...