
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.


World of Warcraft teases the Legion pre-patch

When will World of Warcraft players experience the Legion pre-patch? Despite the fact that the opening lines of the most recent development dispatch promise...
Also, it's crazy random.

World of Warcraft: Legion Q&A addresses the lore and balancing of artifacts

Artifacts are a big deal in World of Warcraft: Legion, which is why the most recent live developer question and answer session was all...
Not the best day.

New World of Warcraft comic goes over the arrival of the Burning Legion in Suramar

Being the Grand Magistrix of Suramar seems like a pretty great gig for the majority of your rule. For one thing, you have power...

WoW’s patch preloading begins ahead of Legion beta launch test today

World of Warcraft players, get ready to hurry up and wait: A massive 20-gb patch has begin preloading in, heralding the pre-launch 7.0...
It shouldn't consistently work, but it does.

World of Warcraft asks players to hunt demons for Legion beta keys

We now know what World of Warcraft was teasing for players the other day. The bad news for those of you hoping for a...

Black Desert wants to see your pretty faces in its Beauty Album

Why spend hours in an MMO character creator only to cover your face up in a helmet where no one, including you, ever gets...

Is World of Warcraft kicking off a pre-Legion event today?

Wake up, World of Warcraft players, because you may be pressed into service against the irksome demons today. Last night, Blizzard sent out a cryptic tweet with...
Past the crimson fields of... wait, sorry, wrong bit.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 72: The dog days of summer updates

Justin and Bree discuss Riders of Icarus, Landmark, Age of Conan, RIFT, and Aion, with mailbag questions on FFA PvP tension and social encounters.
Ladies. Or men.

Final Fantasy XIV launches patch 3.35 on July 19th

What were you planning on doing on July 19th? Final Fantasy XIV residents are strongly advised to take a trip into the Palace of...

Blizzard sues Bossland again, this time for Overwatch cheat

Remember Bossland GmbH? It's the German company that makes bots like World of Warcraft's HonorBuddy for Blizzard's games, which Blizz has ardently argued violates...

Wisdom of Nym: The fullness of Final Fantasy XIV until October

We know now that patch 3.35 and the Deep Dungeon will be landing on July 19th. That's a little bit later than I had...

The MOP Up: Final Fantasy XI expands its wardrobe (July 3, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Victory pose

It's an MMO tradition: When you down a particularly nasty boss, you and your party gathers around the corpse, joins hands, and sings about...

The Game Archaeologist: Dark Age of Camelot

Today, we take a trip to England, but not the England of our timeline. No, this is the England-That-Could-Have-Been, the England of King Arthur,...

WoW Factor: The hope I have for Legion

Every week, in Final Fantasy XI, the three main player nations are competing in a form of passive PvP known as conquest. The nation...

Massively Overthinking: The MMORPG wishes that go unfulfilled

This week's Massively Overthinking question is a short and sweet one posed by Das Tal developer Alexander Zacherl. "What's the greatest unfulfilled dream of MMO players...

Go behind the scenes of EVE Valkyrie’s carrier assault mode

EVE Valkryie is aiming to create a high-octane virtual reality experience, and one of the strongest weapons in its arsenal to provide that is...

Perfect Ten: MMO novel tie-ins

When I was a kid and only slightly more nerdy than I am today, I used to read movie novelizations like crazy. I don't...
I wanna be like her, wanna look like her, wanna act like her.

Final Fantasy XIV dives into the Deep Dungeon content

In the South Shroud in Final Fantasy XIV, there is a hole, and inside of the hole there lives unspeakable horror. It's the entry...

CCP grants EVE Online players skins, skill injectors for Iceland’s Euro 2016 soccer victories

Iceland-based MMORPG studio CCP Games is getting in on the football/soccer hype this week with an in-game EVE Online promo tailored around the success...