
Activision-Blizzard is suddenly laying off more QA, won’t be at The Game Awards

Yes, Activision-Blizzard is in the news again: Raven Software, one of the studios behind games like Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and...

Nielsen is closing down SuperData and its monthly gaming revenue peeks

I think I might have been the only person on the planet who noticed that March had slipped by without a monthly report on...

SuperData says WoW’s player count is already ‘back to normal levels’ post-Shadowlands

How fast did the gaming world get over Cyberpunk 2077? One month, according to SuperData's latest revenue rankings. While CDPR's sprawling RPG dominated the...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs to get you out of your gaming rut

We have all been there. You've been gaming in your standard comfort MMOs when one day you hit that wall of burnout. You feel...

SuperData December 2020: World of Warcraft is dethroned again, and people still love Among Us

While SuperData has already put a bow on the entirety of games earnings in 2020, there's still the December 2020 breakdown to cover, which...

SuperData says the gaming industry grew by 12% during COVID-dominated 2020

Even though we're nearly in the middle of January, that's not exactly stopping folks from looking back at 2020 quite yet. Particularly our number...

SuperData November 2020: WoW is back on top as PC and digital games sales hit new revenue heights

It's been a boom month this past November for digital games sales. The latest SuperData report finds that digital games have earned $11.5 billion...

MMO Business Roundup: Activision’s Netflix lawsuit, Tolkien’s house, Roblox in China, and more

Welcome back to another quick spin through MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news! Fortnite - It doesn't look as if gaming companies are feeling too hopeful...
Come home.

Superdata’s October 2020 report: Genshin Impact makes big bank, WoW is on the rise

Congratulations are in order for Genshin Impact, which became October's highest-grossing title. In Superdata's new report, the crossplay title is deemed "an unprecedented international...

SuperData September 2020: Fall Guys falls hard, WoW claws its way back up

SuperData's September report on the state of the game industry's global revenues is not going to shock anyone this month. On the PC side, League...

SuperData August 2020: Fall Guys dethroned League of Legends, pushed WoW to its lowest rank in over a year

SuperData's August global revenue report for the games industry has more than a few eyebrow-raisers this week. On the PC side of things, World...

Apple argues Epic’s lawsuit is ‘part of a marketing campaign’ to ‘reinvigorate interest in Fortnite’

The Epic/Apple legal drama continues as this week Apple's filed its response to Epic's request to force Fortnite back on the Appstore, and you...

SuperData July 2020: Pokemon Go is making all the monies right now

We'd like to think that Niantic is learning a huge lesson from its continuing efforts to making Pokemon Go more accessible: SuperData says it's...
lol, no

The summer of no E3 seems to be treating publishers and developers just fine in terms of buzz

This is the year of no E3, the year with no big summer convention in which everyone packs together in a building to see...

Rockstar addresses GTAO and Red Dead Online content droughts with vague previews

Rockstar hasn't had the best summer, what with SuperData dinging GTAO for its lack of major content leading to revenue dips and gamers protesting...

SuperData June 2020: Valorant had the ‘biggest launch ever for a free-to-play PC title’

It's time for our monthly check-in on how the games industry is doing according to SuperData's numbers, and don't worry - they're all still...

SuperData calls expansions the ‘lifeblood’ for World of Warcraft

I have a thing about graphs without labeled axes. Just yesterday, I was literally making fun of the time Nexon turned in this unitless graph in its investor report. Yay squiggly lines!
You look trustworthy, join our party!

SuperData May 2020: Pokémon Go and World of Warcraft improve their fortunes

Superdata's May digital games earning report is out, and there is some interesting movement for some of our favorite online games. World of Warcraft's western...

SuperData April 2020: Games spending shatters more records thanks to the pandemic

This will probably come off as "water is wet" news, but for those who like to keep a finger on the pulse of these...

NetEase financials Q1 2020: A revenue boost ahead of EVE Echoes and Diablo Immortal

NetEase joins NCsoft in having a big first quarter financial report for investors, and it didn't have to bluster about merely surpassing low expectations...