Choose My Adventure: The first steps as a Romulan in Star Trek Online
In last week's column, I mentioned that the start of our Star Trek Online journey would not be done alone, and sure enough I've...
MMORPGs around the globe celebrate Star Wars day
May the 4th (as in, May the 4th be with you) is upon us, and plenty of MMOs would like you to know that...
Global Chat: Suffering through Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box
Guild Wars 2 fans have developed a cult following around the seasonal Super Adventure Box, but as much as some love it, others have...
Guild Wars 2’s next living story episode, No Quarter, will launch without voice acting thanks to the pandemic
While business is booming for online games during this pandemic-related quarantine, story-centric MMORPGs seem to be having trouble getting specific types of work done...
The Stream Team: Completing the SWTOR datacron collection
Is today the day? Will Massively OP's Larry and MJ finally complete the datacron collection in SWTOR? They have a couple more to gather...
Global Chat: The problem with being bad in MMOs
Have you ever felt weirdly reluctant to go the full "dark side" in a video game that offers morality meters? MMO blogger Yeebo Fernbottom...
Star Wars: The Old Republic’s GU 6.1.1 is live with the personal conquests revamp
It's patch day for Star Wars: The Old Republic, though the patch is a week late and short some of the content players were...
Massively Overthinking: MMO business models in the face of recession
MOP reader Sray posed us an interesting question this past week focused on how MMO business models interface with the global economy. "The last major...
The Stream Team: Birds and boxes, a SWTOR story
Did you know there was a hidden quest to get a pet in SWTOR? Massively OP's MJ learned about it last time, and now...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 267: Who had ‘New World delay’ on their bingo card?
Andy, Justin, and Bree discuss WoW Shadowlands, LOTRO, Chronicles of Elyria, New World, SWTOR, FFXIV, RuneFest, Champions Online, and EverQuest, with adventures in Guild Wars 2, Elite, SWG Legends, and Animal Crossing, and a mailbag entry on Secret World Legends and maintenance-mode MMOs.
One Shots: Fine, who needs you, planet?
When a planet has stiffed you one too many times and yanked you around, it's time to put it at your back and head...
Star Wars: The Old Republic shakes up its release schedule thanks to the pandemic
If there is one thing that the business world is discovering in the era of COVID-19, it's that there are limitations to what can...
The Stream Team: Looking for SWTOR datacrons in Alderaan places
Alderaan meets a sad end, but not today. Today, Massively OP's Larry and MJ might meet a sad end though! The duo is off...
Global Chat: Is Animal Crossing New Horizons an MMO?
One trend that we have noticed over the past decade or so is the blurring of lines between "regular" video games and MMORPGs. It...
Perfect Ten: The stages of the MMO life cycle
To this day, no one has a quote as useful on the subject of life and death as E. B. White: "We're born, we...
Massively on the Go: Why MMO players will love Animal Crossing New Horizons
Some of you may have noticed that several staffers and fellow MassivelyOP readers noted that they were playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons last weekend....
Vague Patch Notes: Complaining about MMOs you don’t play
All right, folks, it's time to talk. And we're going to start by talking about Guild Wars 2, a game I used to play regularly...
The Stream Team: Raiding SWTOR datacrons on Quesh and Ilum
Massively OP's Larry and MJ are starting to run out of datacrons to hunt in SWTOR. What will they do when all their crazy...
Director Dave Wilson envisions Star Wars: The Old Republic as a TV series
So a bit of a primer before we roll into this one: Nothing in this story should suggest that Star Wars: The Old Republic...
Global Chat: Don’t mess with my GeForce Now
The titanic struggle going on right now between cloud-based game streaming platform GeForce Now and studios who are pulling their titles from it is...