
See: The Daily Grind

The Daily Grind: Do you let an MMO’s worst community elements determine your server selection?

Last week, on the heels of WoW Classic's latest stress test, I saw several discussions online about popular streamers and the game: Apparently, these...

The Daily Grind: How long should a studio keep an MMO in maintenance mode?

It seems pretty clear to me now that Final Fantasy XI is going to keep running for a long time. I can't say for certain...

The Daily Grind: Are you drawn to MMO shapeshifting classes?

When you think about it, one of the least-represented class archetypes in MMORPGs is shapeshifters. They only pop up here and there, such as...

The Daily Grind: Which sunsetted MMO had the most wasted potential?

Since Bossa's announcement that it's sunsetting Worlds Adrift this summer without even even launching out of early access, there's been an odd reaction across...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever felt schadenfreude from an MMO’s collapse?

Schadenfreude, a word many of us learned from The Simpsons, is a term meaning "shameful joy" that refers to feeling good about something you...
Sort of?

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG was ahead of its time?

I want to wax poetic about Warhammer Online for a moment here. While it never maintained the initial level of success that it saw...

The Daily Grind: Is the esports bubble about to burst?

Last week, Kotaku put up a compelling piece about the online gaming industry's obsession with esports - specifically, how the esports bubble is about...

The Daily Grind: What made you leave the last MMO you quit?

The last few years, I think I've had a healthier relationship with MMOs, chiefly because I've pressured myself less into playing things I knew...
The stuff that you have, does someone have a claim on it?

The Daily Grind: Would you ever consider hosting a rogue server for an MMO?

Ages ago, there was a server emulation project for Final Fantasy XI. The coding got hit with a cease & desist, unfortunately, and to the...

The Daily Grind: How far behind are you in your MMO’s main storyline?

From LOTRO to FFXIV, from Guild Wars 2 to SWTOR, the backbone of the modern solo MMORPG experience is the main storyline. And whether...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG for obsessive completionists?

I have been a lot of things in MMORPGs over the years. Raider. Roleplayer. Cat-herder. Merchant. Even killer. But one thing I've never really...
Sorry, guys.

The Daily Grind: What could your favorite MMO do to attract new players?

Every MMO wants more people to play it. That's kind of the nature of the thing. While no one working on Secret World Legends is...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite ‘vanilla’ MMO memory?

With all the talk and testing swirling about World of Warcraft Classic this past week, the full nostalgia gates have reopened and a flood...

The Daily Grind: What MMO had the most disappointing ending?

I can't help it: I've had Game of Thrones on my mind the last week. As someone who discovered the books as a kid,...

The Daily Grind: Do you think MMO worlds are too bloated and big?

A couple of months ago, I saw an interesting topic on Reddit that deserved more love than it got. User RuccFeddit (<3) posted what...
Can't wait to see what's next here?

The Daily Grind: What upcoming MMO do you want to be good, even if it might not be?

I'm excited about Peria Chronicles. This is not a secret. I'm also excited for Caravan Stories. And yet in both cases these games could be awful, and...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever regretted buying something in an MMO?

I absolutely hate buyer's regret. If I could go back and slap myself when I was about to press the "buy now" button on...
That is definitely a thing.

The Daily Grind: Which studio should be running your MMO?

It continues to sadden my heart to see RIFT -- and the rest of the Trion Worlds library -- limp on under the supervision...

The Daily Grind: Do you have any hope left for Anthem?

I feel faintly as if I owe Bree an apology. When I volunteered to do our first impressions piece on Anthem, it was actually a...

The Daily Grind: Do you think WoW Classic is destined for greatness or utterly doomed?

Since the formal announcement this week that WoW Classic is launching in August, I've seen multiple mainstream games journos opine that, well, you think...