Official Site: The Crew
Studio: Ubisoft
Launch Date: December 2, 2014
Genre: Real-World Racing MMO
Business Model: B2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
the crew
The Crew 2 adds movie-themed events and new vehicles in the Summer in Hollywood update
It's time to celebrate the summer season and iconic vehicular cinema moments in The Crew 2 with the newly released Summer in Hollywood update....
Star Citizen fans put together a horror-themed machinima using in-game footage
Despite Star Citizen being in an alpha state, there's still enough in-game content for people to try to make machinima. That's just what one...
The Crew 2 previews the joy of collections with the upcoming Hobbies update
Do you like to have a fine collection of valuable automobiles in The Crew 2? The game's next major updates is all about hobbies, hence...
Perfect Ten: Sports-themed MMOs
Here's something we don't talk about much here on Massively OP: sports games. When we think of "MMOs," we tend to run right toward...
World of Warships’ exercises and recipes, World of Tanks’ overhaul, and War Thunder’s movie set
Welp, here's something I've never seen before: An online game is offering up workouts and recipes that players can do from home while under...
More and more MMOs are offering sales and events during the coronavirus pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, MMOs and other MMO-adjacent games and studios continue to react, bringing their staffs home and offering bonuses...
The MOP Up: Dark Age of Camelot widens its F2P doorway
St. Patty's day is alive and kicking in Dark Age of Camelot through next Wednesday, but the big news here is that Broadsword is...
The Stream Team: Taking a test drive of The Crew 2 during the free-to-play weekend
MassivelyOP's Chris has the Need for Speed and he's ready to take a Gran Turismo of the multiplayer racer The Crew 2 during its...
PSA: The Crew 2 is hosting a free-to-play weekend starting December 5
I'm not sure when most game companies decided collectively to start weekends on a Thursday, but if it ultimately means more game time for...
The MOP Up: Destiny 2 worships the sun
That glowing ball of thermonuclear radiation in the sky might just mean warmth and crispy tans for you, but for Destiny 2, it is...
Desert Oasis: First impressions of Black Desert’s Great Expedition
One of the most difficult things I've had to deal with in my time with Black Desert is sailing and boating. I've never been...
The Stream Team: MOP celebrates Guild Wars 2’s anniversary
When it's your birthday, you get the crew together and party! And that's exactly what's happening as Massively OP gets together to celebrate Guild...
Battle Bards Episode 150: The great plains
It may not be the most sexy or exotic of biomes, but plains tend to pop up in pretty much every MMORPG — and...
Camelot Unchained updates backers on progress, including on body models
Work on Camelot Unchained continues as the game has officially crossed the first anniversary of its beta one. In the MMO's latest weekly update,...
Battle Bards Episode 148: Composer spotlight on Inon Zur
On a special theme episode of Battle Bards, acclaimed composer Inon Zur is given the spotlight, especially for his contributions to several MMORPG soundtracks...
MMO Burnout: Sinking boats (and sleeping with the fishes) in World of Warships
As they crept along at a mere 15 knots, the commander kept a close eye on the horizon. He signaled to turn the craft,...
TennoCon 2019: The Duviri Paradox trailer teases Warframe’s next big thing after Empyrean
For the second time, Digital Extremes left players hanging with teaser trailer at the end of TennoCon. This year, The shocker was The Duviri...
New Star Wars Galaxies rogue server Sunrunner 2 blends pre-NGE and post-NGE content
So here's the thing about Star Wars Galaxies: The people who tell you NGE stunk are right. When it launched in 2005, it was...
Massively Overthinking: Does the MMO genre have too many games for its own good?
Last month I saw a video from YouTuber Josh Strife Hayes with an eyebrow-raiser of a thesis: He essentially argues that we have too...
The Crew 2 is open for a free test drive this weekend
Do you remember The Crew 2? Are you currently playing The Crew 2? Because Ubisoft would like you to do so, and to that end the...