Formerly known as Torchlight Frontiers.[AL:TL3]
torchlight III
Massively Overthinking: When should we cut MMO studios some slack for trainwreck launches?
A while back, the MOP writers were chatting about some of the trainwreck launches we've seen from MMO studios over the last few years.
Torchlight III acknowledges rocky launch, promises work toward act three and more
Not quite a week into the surprise early access launch of PWE's Torchlight III, Echtra Games' Max Schaefer has posted a developer messaging acknowledging,...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 276: Opening the doors to Torchlight III and New World
Justin and Bree discuss New World, Torchlight III, EVE Online, Phantasy Star Online 2, Playable Worlds, ArcheAge, EverQuest, and EverQuest II, with adventures in RIFT, LOTRO, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on moderating chat toxicity and the impact of modding on games like Fallout 76.
Torchlight III’s surprise early access launch was tormented by server issues and poor reviews
Torchlight III surprise-launched into early access on Steam this past weekend in the middle of the PC Gaming Show, and it hasn't really gone...
PC Gaming Show: Torchlight III just hit early access, New World’s beta begins in July
PC Gamer's PC Gaming Show is upon us today, and good news for MMO fans: We're actually expecting several fun reveals, from the likes...
Betawatch: Torchlight III wraps up its closed testing
So it appears that Torchlight III has finished its round of closed testing! Great! And what happens next for the game? When is the next round...
Torchlight III wraps up its closed beta, will talk about its future this Friday
After a year of traveling through alpha and beta testing -- not to mention downgrading from an MMORPG to an online multiplayer format --...
Torchlight III patches in the Legendarium along with new Legendaries and balance changes to the alpha
The latest patch for Torchlight III's ongoing alpha test is downright legendary because it adds in the Legendarium for players to try out! This feature was...
Torchlight 3’s Legendarium lets you use legendary item effects across your account without equipping the item
There's nothing worse than getting a cool Legendary in Torchlight 3 that you cannot use because it's a lower-level item and thus not terribly worthwhile....
Torchlight III makes big changes to skills and skill points in the latest beta update
Previously, if you wanted to get some fresh skills in Torchlight III, you had to spend skill points to open up the next tier...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 269: Pre-Searing parties
Chris, Justin, and Bree discuss Guild Wars 1, Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Funcom's Dune, World of Warcraft, and Star Citizen, with adventures in Fallout 76, FFXIV, Torchlight III, Star Stable, AQ3D, Villagers & Heroes, plus mailbag topics on the state of thes site, the cost of MMOs, Astellia Online, and MMO crafting.
Betawatch: Star Citizen gets a nice guide to everything not in its next alpha patch
So, the bad news for Star Citizen fans is that some features of its next major patch are being removed, and by "some" we...
Torchlight III showcases the potential of forts in a video, patches in party crash fixes and more skill updates
Torchlight III (which I lovingly refer to as Torchums or Torchic or Torcherry Pie) is continuing to tout the fact that players can build...
Torchlight III expands localization and talks up the player housing fort feature
Good news for Spanish-speaking players of Torchlight III who would prefer to play in that language, as the game's most recent update has added...
Torchlight III’s latest update raises the max level and wipes all characters
So you're probably wondering why there's a goblin-headed Thanos in the header image for this Torchlight III story. For one, the image was too...
Torchlight III gives defense and shields a buff in the latest mainline patch
Another day, another mainline patch update for Torchlight III. Not only does this one feature patch notes that appear to have been written by...
Torchlight III shows off the Sharpshooter class in new alpha video
Multiplayer not-an-MMO-anymore Torchlight III has a new dev blog and video out today on the Sharpshooter, its very last new class before launch. MMO...
Torchlight III shuts a yappy cat’s mouth
Not every patch is going to be a content delivery system from the gods; sometimes you have to make do with a custodian patch...
Torchlight III adds more skill tiers for Dusk Mage and Lineage skill tiers for Railmaster
It's another Mainline patch for Torchlight III and the work to add more skill tiers to the game's classes continues. This latest update continues...
Torchlight III’s latest Mainline patch improves combat feel and adds skill tier bonuses for Dusk Mage
The tweaks that Torchlight III was looking to make in a previous news post have started to make their first inroads to the alpha...