
Official Site: Torchlight II
Studio: Runic Games
Launch Date: October 27, 2009
Genre: Fantasy OARPG
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Mac, Xbox 360, Linux
See Also: Torchlight II

E3 2015: Torchlight Mobile is a new Torchlight, not Torch-lite

When Perfect World and Runic Games announced last week that Torchlight was stretching out into the mobile market, it caught many folks quite unawares. (It's...

E3 2015: Perfect World is making Torchlight Mobile

Torchlight has no shortage of fans devoted to the stylized action RPG, and this week those fans have a new reason to rejoice. The...

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight, too

March is but a memory. April is here. And while a new month certainly brings new things to Choose My Adventure, we've got just...

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight Heroes

Our March sampler-platter edition of Choose My Adventure is quickly coming to a close. There's only one more vote to take, one more game...

Choose My Adventure: Path of Marvel

In last week's Choose My Adventure, we learned a few magic spells and set off to conquer a tiny portion of Diablo III's hellish...

Choose My Adventure: Diablo of Exile

This month's Choose My Adventure is like no Choose My Adventure that has come before. Instead of deep-diving one game for four weeks, we're...

Not So Massively: PAX East 2015 MOBA roundup edition

It's been a huge week for online gaming, with GDC drawing to a close and PAX East being packed full of reveals. We heard...

Choose My Adventure: Right-Click Sampler Platter Edition

It's been a crazy month. Since writing my farewell Choose My Adventure on Massively-X-Joy-Gadget--vs-Capcom-Turbo, I've sent a few hundred emails, helped raise a huge...