
See: The Secret World

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offers the best horror content?

A Friday the 13th doesn't come around in October very often, but it sure is a fun day to talk horror in MMOs. No,...

Funcom celebrates its 30th anniversary as it looks back at Anarchy Online, Conan, and Secret World

It's a landmark year for Funcom, as the Norwegian video game developer celebrates its 30th anniversary. The studio got started making games for the Genesis...

Interview: New World’s Scot Lane on the MMO’s past, future, and upcoming dungeon finder

New World launched two years ago today. While it may have stumbled out of the gate, I believe it has since evolved into one...

Massively Overthinking: The dumbest deaths in MMORPGs

This past week has been amusing for everyone in the MMO community and beyond who loves to watch people die stupid deaths in video...

Global Chat: Getting sucked into Palia

Cozy life sim Palia is making more converts, even after a rough start. One player who's glowing brightly about the title is The Friendly...

The Daily Grind: What were the worst mistakes made in the history of MMORPGs?

A few weeks back, in his retrospective on The Secret World, MOP's Tyler opined that Secret World Legends (or more specifically, the decision to reboot...
spooky, kinda

Star Anvil’s Secret World TTRPG is about to start delivering draft digital rulebooks to backers

The progress for Star Anvil Studios' tabletop RPG rendition of The Secret World continues to make forward movement. The latest announcement post from Kickstarter...

The Daily Grind: Do you have MMOs you play for the story rather than progression?

I've recently been musing about how we create categories for MMOs in our own minds. There are those "home games," for example, that we...

The Soapbox: Why The Secret World really failed

We're back with part two of my long-overdue post-mortem of The Secret World, my favourite MMORPG of all time. In the first part I...

Vague Patch Notes: The power of the middle bit in MMOs

I knew that Tales of Arise wasn't really working for me like its immediate predecessor when I started kind of avoiding combat. Now, to a...

The Soapbox: A belated The Secret World post-mortem

This weeks marks the eleventh anniversary of the launch of The Secret World. While the game is still playable (for those with existing accounts),...

Choose My Adventure: Age of Conan engages my barbarian rage

Let me be honest with you all: This week saw me ragequit out of Age of Conan, though not quite to the point that...

The Stream Team: Sauntering through Secret World Legends for its 6th anniversary

To this day, if you were to ask Massively OP's MJ what her favorite game is, she'd answer The Secret World as one of...

Vague Patch Notes: Examining the MMO tiers, from the Big Five to maintenance mode

I've mentioned many a time that one of the ideas behind the Vague Patch Notes column here on MOP is to have a place...

Choose My Adventure: Finding frustrations in Age of Conan

If that headline wasn't a big enough clue, then let me just go ahead and reaffirm: This week, life in Age of Conan was...

Choose My Adventure: Settling into Age of Conan’s uncomfortable routine

Today's Choose My Adventure column is about the groove. I think some folks know what I mean in relation to MMOs (or even gaming in...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs as Jell-O flavors

During last year's April Fools' Day, I wrote about the important topic of MMO NPCs as muffins. At the time, I felt my work...

Vitae Aeternum: A love letter to all that New World does well

When you spend a lot of time in an MMORPG, it can be easy to become bogged down in all of the game's foibles....

UK regulators block Microsoft’s buyout of Activision-Blizzard

Multiple outlets are reporting this morning that Microsoft's buyout of Activision-Blizzard has been blocked in the UK. The Competition and Markets Authority aka CMA...
But what awaits...

Star Anvil opens Secret World TTRPG pre-orders through Backerkit

Fans of The Secret World already know that tabletop game developer Star Anvil Studios is putting together a TTRPG version of the MMO; the...