
EVE Evolved: Calling time on EVE Online’s five-year vision

When Andie "CCP Seagull" Nordgren walked onto the stage at EVE Fanfest 2013 and delivered her long-term vision for the future of EVE Online,...

Camelot Unchained fleshes out books, clothes, and the new Dragonfang scenario

They aren't dressing it up with "burndown" hoopla, but City State Entertainment's devs are in just that kind of check-it-off testing mode with Camelot...

LOTRO Legendarium: Fixing Lord of the Rings Online’s grouping problem

One of the quirks -- and frustrations -- of MMORPGs is that there never seems to be one game that truly has it all....

Chaos Theory: Exploring Secret World Legend’s anima allocation and other QoL improvements

Remember that big quality-of-life update that Secret World Legends launched mid-November? Chances are your quality of SWL life did indeed improve with a number...

Crowfall’s crafting looks more and more like Star Wars Galaxies’

Hey crafters. Let's talk Crowfall for a minute. ArtCraft Design Lead Thomas "Blixtev" Blair explains today in a new dev blog that crafting in...

Crowfall: ‘You don’t have to get into the stats to have a good time in this game’

Crowfall's J. Todd Coleman and Billy Garretsen are back for another ACE Q&A - you can pretty much mark the months by these things....

Saga of Lucimia lays the foundation for a holiday alpha test

Forget cookies with Santa and New Year countdowns: Saga of Lucimia hopes that you'll be too immersed in its next alpha test to care...

Black Desert lays out roadmap with new toon, region, class swapping, and weapon buffs

Over the weekend during South Korea's FESTA event, Pearl Abyss slipped out the news that Black Desert is due to get another character: Ran....

Niantic will reboot Ingress into Ingress Prime next year

Niantic is delivering a massive upgrade for Ingress next year. "Reboot" might even be a more appropriate term. The company most people know for its...

Guild Wars 2 announces weapon contest winners, adds new in-game book interface

Remember that design-a-weapon contest that Guild Wars 2 was running last month? Well, it is all over now, and ArenaNet tallied up all of...
No, it's still not.

Destiny 2 acknowledges ‘betrayal’ over XP adjustments and studio silence

While stopping short of an actual apology in this week's Destiny 2 state of the game post, Bungie acknowledged that players have been greatly...

Hyperspace Beacon: First impressions of SWTOR’s Chiss flashpoint

Yesterday, Star Wars: The Old Republic launched update 5.6, which gave us many new quality-of-life changes to the game as well as our first...

Exclusive: Indie sandbox El Somni Quas state-of-the-game dev diary

It's been a hot minute since we heard from El Somni Quas, the indie sandbox from a Czech studio that cut its teeth on Ultima Online...
Gay ship.

EVE Online patches in more alpha skills on December 5th

The next patch for EVE Online arrives on December 5th, and it's going to give Alpha players (or "free-to-play players" for those not down...

Destiny 2 doubles level XP following last week’s botched event

Remember how Bungie bungled Destiny 2's XP scaling event and had to disable the whole thing after players found that the game was throttling...

Destiny 2 deactivates scaling system after players discover XP throttling

Internet speeds aren't the only things that are in danger of being throttled, as Destiny 2 players learned this past week. Apparently Bungie was...

Shroud of the Avatar elaborates on Release 48 changes

If you missed it, Shroud of the Avatar pushed out its November update pretty early this month due to the Thanksgiving holiday (an action...
No, I don't want no bugs.

Crowfall takes players on a journey… to squash bugs

The latest Crowfall Q&A video changes tack about halfway through. For the first half, lead designer Thomas Blair and executive producer Gordon Walton helpfully...

Neverwinter Nights’ new enhanced edition will support old modules

It's the thing to do lately: rerelease a classic video game with just enough enhancements to charge for it all over again. In this...
Good news, this wasn't a fad! (It was a fad.)

Pokemon Go kicks off Global Catch Challenge with 3B ‘mon goal

Live now in Pokemon Go as of this weekend is a pretty nutty challenge for players all over the globe, daring players to get...