
The Stream Team: My second day in Shroud of the Avatar

MassivelyOP’s MJ is in trouble now. She finally went back into Shroud of the Avatar, and now it appears that she is hooked. She...

Battle Bards Episode 80: Aura Kingdom

Never heard of Aura Kingdom? The Battle Bards hope that after an hour of attention, you might add a new title to your video...

Gamescom 2016: Blizzard plans to show off Legion and new maps for Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm

Unless you're living in some sort of video game-proof hole, you are probably aware that the mighty Gamescom is kicking off tomorrow and running...

The Stream Team: Learning to love melee in Black Desert

With only one exception, MassivelyOP’s MJ hasn't really enjoyed playing melee classes... until now. She's been having a blast with Black Desert’s Valkyrie! Having...
Well, almost however you'd like, there are still no ways to gain experience through awesome roleplaying.

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Shadows of the Hist DLC is live on console

The Shadows of the Hist DLC released to Elder Scrolls Online players on PC earlier this month is live for console players on PS4 and...

Neverwinter: Storm King’s Thunder is live today

Ready to team up with some big heroes and slay some big enemies? Neverwinter's next expansion, Storm King's Thunder, is live today, tasking players...

No Man’s Sky’s procedurally generated rods, tools, and junk

One of the things that always drives me nuts (pun intended) about user-created content in video games is the automatic assumption people have that...

Overwatch stares down the barrel of buffs, nerfs, and competitive play changes

Buffs and nerfs. Nerfs and buffs. They're a fact of life in any online game, but when it comes to competitive environments, even a...

Pokemon Go: Michigan couple sues over game’s impact on private property

Pokemon Go is the subject of yet another lawsuit: A Michigan couple is suing Niantic, Nintendo, and the Pokemon Company in federal court. The...
Holiday road.

Dual Universe explains its server technology in a new video

There will be only one shard for Dual Universe players when the game finally launches, and it's going to be big. Heck, it's going...

The Stream Team: Marvel Heroes’ story gets level scaling

One of the saddest things for MassivelyOP's MJ in Marvel Heroes was the fact that friends of different levels couldn't really join her on...

LawBreakers returns to development following alpha

Boss Key's CliffyB and Rohan Rivas star in a new dev vlog today rounding up the results of LawBreakers' recent alpha playtest and offering...
Also, let's just put this out there, how about more robots?

Check out some classic bloopers from City of Heroes’ business model swap

The people behind City of Heroes were not actors, but Paragon Studios staff was very forward-facing and open with players. So when the team...
Mechanics include not having fangs to break.

Neverwinter details the boss encounters of Fangbreaker Island

Dungeons are defined in part by their mechanics, and a good chunk of that is usually the boss fights. The next high-end dungeon in...
Holiday road.

Dual Universe: How many players can fit in one universe?

Dual Universe's server-tech teaser trailer out this afternoon poses one simple question: How many players can fit in one universe? If you're tired of...
Bah, it was just a bird.

Pokemon Go: Corporate espionage, bots, and Uranium

There are a lot of unofficial Pokemon games out there on the internet, including MMOs, games that filled the gap Nintendo left. One such...
This sounded good until you started attacking my toolkit for some reason.

Black Desert promises Awakening weapons ‘quite soon after GamesCom’

In response to a player requesting hints about when Black Desert's Awakening weapon systems might drop, Kakao has dutifully produced a teaser. "Not next week,...

The Stream Team: Exploring Evolve

MassivelyOP's MJ reveled in the chance to play the boss mob in Evolve Stage 2. And there have been quite a few updates --...

Dogma: Eternal Night delivers a sneak peek of in-game combat and twerking

The vampire-infested Dogma: Eternal Night has been making strides forward with its development, according to a new dev post. Not content just to tout...

The MOP Up: The Dota 2 forum hack (August 14, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...