weird stories

Roblox game Piñata Smashlings announces collab event with Care Bears in September

We assure you, that headline wasn't generated by some LLM plagiarism dispenser; this was written by an actual human who is here to inform...

Guild Wars 2 players can now ‘game, grow, and touch grass’ with officially licensed… plant seeds

There is a lot of plant life growing all over the world of Guild Wars 2 - and some of it even isn't trying...

Palworld’s popularity inspires new merchandise in the form of terrifying adult Halloween costumes

There are plenty of ways for fans of a game to feel closer to their favorite titles, but one of those ways is by...

Fortnite opens the doors to its own Trevor Noah-produced virtual stand-up comedy club

In-game concerts have already been a thing in Fortnite, so where does the games platform go from there? Why, opening the doors to its...

Minecraft claps hands with H&R Block to premiere a ‘tax-themed gaming experience’ February 3

Nobody likes doing taxes - heck, we're pretty sure that CPAs don't like doing taxes and it's their literal job - so it's really...

Diablo IV serves up ‘Nightmare Fuel’ audio experience in order to induce thematic lucid dreaming

The marketing team behind Diablo IV continues to prove it's either extremely creative or taking some extremely powerful substances. The latest marketing stunt from...
You must whip it.

You’ve Got Flail: New World’s flail ability names deliver a smorgasbord of puns and dad jokes

Sure, the new flail weapon coming to New World as part of the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion looks pretty cool, but do...

Hamilton Simulator lets Roblox players defeat the British with official songs from the musical

If anyone had "popular musical Hamilton officially claps hands with Roblox" on their bingo card, mark off a space now because that's literally what...

Pearl Abyss grants users of a gamer-centric finance service free copies of Black Desert

We're pretty sure that nobody had Pearl Abyss clapping hands with a gamer-focused financial service provider on the radar - heck, we're not even...

Could an AI bot do a better job as a games company CEO than an actual human?

That headline's not an idle question: Chinese gaming company NetDragon decided to give it a try. Last August, NetDragon, which runs multiple MMOs including...
And chill.

Overwatch 2 players question Season 3 balance, find an invincible statue, and beg for a Mei-killing homing grenade

Yes, we appreciate that headline is a melange of weird and disparate pieces of Overwatch 2 news, but some of these things are a...

It has once again been zero days since a War Thunder player used military documents to win a forum fight

When we highlighted how War Thunder players had used classified military documents to argue their cases an astonishing three times during our roundup of...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: LOTRO’s new mascot

Today we're concluding our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #1 on our list is… LOTRO'S PET ROCK With the...
Almost tangible. Again.

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: The FFXIV ERP billboard

Today we’re kicking off our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #2 on our list is… The Final Fantasy...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: EverQuest II’s prison server

Today we’re kicking off our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #3 on our list is… EQ2 permabanned everyone...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: Weirdest thing MMO gamers did to win a forum argument (thrice)

We're continuing our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #4 on our list is… War Thunder players have now...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: They’re using a wallpaper app for WHAT?

Today we're kicking off our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #5 on our list is… Wallpaper Engine was...

Seed MMO halts comms, disables website over cease and desist from… a sugardaddy dating service?

Something happened on the way through our Twitter timeline: SEED, the in-development colony-building MMO from Klang Games, put out a tweet announcing a hold...

AdventureQuest 3D was temporarily de-listed from app stores because of… Elvira’s breasts, apparently

No, that headline isn't sensationalist; it's the honest to goodness truth. Fans of AdventureQuest 3D on mobile might have been surprised at the MMORPG's...
TANKS for the MEMORIES of separate channels

Russian soldier captured by Ukrainian forces claims he joined the army to pay off a World of Tanks-related debt

Friends, this story is definitely unique, but we're going to try to condense this as best as we can. Making the rounds today is...