weird stories

But seriously, War Thunder nerds, stop leaking classified military documents

The Venn diagram that sees players of War Thunder and people incapable of keeping classified military documents under wraps is merging into a worrying...

Lets Go! Baby! Friends World is a ‘so bad it’s good gem’ where players are babies in a hallucinogenic hellscape

"Always be a baby. Don't ever be a gun." Listening to that song and its irreverence will probably help your brain become malleable enough...
Space tourist. SPACE TOURIST.

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2021: Weirdest things Richard Garriott did this year that weren’t his MMO you paid for

Today we're finishing off our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #1 on our list is... Richard Garriott improving...
It's a tank. Let's be honest with ourselves, tanks basically look the same.

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2021: Weirdest thing MMO gamers did to win a forum argument (twice)

Today we're continuing our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #2 on our list is... Accidentally leak military secrets......

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2021: It’s (probably) not RICO

We're continuing our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #3 on our list is... But seriously, who owns Jagex? The...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2021: Weirdest MMO pitch

Today we're continuing our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #4 on our list is... Agony of a Dying...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2021: Weirdest thing an MMO tried to give away this year

Today we're kicking off our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #5 on our list is... Literally a Tesla I've...

Genshin Impact fan creates a limited set of fully functional condoms

Whether you want one as a collectible or you want one for actual use, you can soon get yourself a Genshin Impact condom thanks...

ESPN hosted a Microsoft Excel esports competition this past weekend

The easy joke to make would be to reference "spreadsheets in space" MMORPGs, but honestly the truth is far stranger and funnier than any...

Bear witness to the confounding Coca-Cola ad that tries to appeal to esports fans, MMO gamers, and world peace

What do esports events, MMO gaming, and soda have in common? If you said "Maybe you drink the soda while participating in the other...

Destiny 2’s $85 toaster that was created thanks to charity donations is apparently not very good

Today in "weird-ass philanthropy" news, we take a look at Destiny 2: The Official Toaster. While that might read like a Spaceballs merch gag,...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2020: Tencent and the Great Chili Sauce Fraud Caper

Today we're finishing off our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2020! Coming in at #1 on our list is... Chinese fraudsters posed as...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2020: The Herb

Today we're continuing our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2020! Coming in at #2 on our list is... The Herb bakes a ‘classical’...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2020: Racecar go brrr

Today we're continuing our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2020! Coming in at #3 on our list is... The year NASCAR failed at...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2020: Citizen socks

Today we're continuing our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2020! Coming in at #4 on our list is... Star Citizen SOCS socks promise...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2020: Satan speaks for the trees

Today we're kicking off our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2020! Coming in at #5 on our list is... Satan has planted the...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2019: Transmedia sub synergy

Today we're finishing off our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2019! Coming in at #1 on our list is... Guild Wars 2 kicks...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2019: Gamer goo

Today we're continuing our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2019! Coming in at #2 on our list is... Gamer-oriented 'Gamer Goo' lotion vows...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2019: Fat chocobos and daddies

Today we're working through our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2019! Coming in at #3 on our list is... FFXIV players stuff themselves...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2019: The vizzoyages of the starship Compton

Today we're continuing our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2019! Coming in at #4 on our list is... Snoop Dogg has a giant...