what are you playing

WRUP. It stands for “what are you playing.” That’s it. Answer the question! [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

SO many things.

WRUP: A brief rundown on the new version of the site edition

Why did you pick this new theme? Well, because we never really picked the old theme, we just found something that worked during our month-long melange...

WRUP: The journey of my wife going back to World of Warcraft edition

The following is all only lightly edited from actual speaking. "Yeah, let's go play some World of Warcraft! I'm excited!" "Oh, hey, I hadn't...
by cat stevens

WRUP: Vintage advertisement for Dr. Farnell’s Neck-Staple System from 1957 edition

Have you ever been told that you "would lose your head if it were not attached to your neck?" Friends, what happens if your...
If you want to be her lover &c.

WRUP: The four ways to impress a girl edition

Pour boiling tungsten on her car: According to Wikipedia, tungsten has a melting point of 6192 °F. That is very hot, and probably will...

WRUP: Our 2018 character poll edition

As we near the end of the year, it's time for us to start figuring out which characters to include in next year's cast...
This one didn't require a patch and it still took me years to decide to play it.

WRUP: Reviews of some movies I saw recently whilst paying attention to Granblue Fantasy edition

Some Disney thing or another: A young kid goes on a life-changing journey and gets home in time for dinner. This was one of...

WRUP: We went to the zoo and I saw a kitty edition

And also I saw a monkey and another monkey and a gorilla and another kind of monkey that was little that could ride on...
It's a car.

WRUP: The narrator is inside the car edition

You think that you've gotten away at long last as you get into your car, blood oozing from the wound on your leg, but...
when yo crush read yo note that say lemme smash

Massively Overthinking: Random acts of MMORPG kindness

Last week, down in the comments of an innocuous post about gamers being nice in Fortnite, a couple of MOP commenters requested a column...
What's that box

WRUP: Introducing the Not-even-good-at-one-formers edition

Introducing the hottest toy line to debut near SDCC (not at, we don't have money for a booth there), it's the Not-even-good-at-one-formers! They're less,...
Here is a perfectly fine picture of a bunny.

WRUP: Offending the God of Rabbits has worked out pretty much fine edition

So as you know, last week we managed to direly offend the God of Rabbits, which is remarkable partly insofar as I had expected...
Oh, this is much better.

WRUP: Moving forward, there are going to be some changes around this prison edition

New prison rule #1: No one is to use "shiv" as a verb any more. Last month there was a big debate over whether...
Feel free to put the quotes in the comments.

WRUP: House evaluation edition

11:43 (User NVT): Team on-site and beginning inspection. 11:44 (User JPE): Taking half of the team for upper floors. 11:44 (User TTB): JPE is reminded that...
This is nice, right? Just being in a car?

WRUP: Tips to having a great date when you’re both just sitting in your car for four hours edition

So actual dates are stupid and gross, right? Not necessarily! You can trick your date into having a great experience when the whole night...
Less texture.

WRUP: Guess the person edition

Sometimes, our work chat is mature and productive and focuses on useful things. Sometimes I just use it to come up with creative burns....
This is what it looks like

WRUP: Dispatch from E3 2049 edition

We sent this message back in time from 2056 in the hopes that someone could avert this horrifying future. E3 grew so slowly almost...

WRUP: Know your dragons edition

If the dragon has four legs and two wings, it's a dragon. If it has two rear legs and wings instead of front legs,...

WRUP: Back in my day the dump was dangerous edition

Let me tell you something, you young'uns, everything you do these days is different from how it was when I was your age. Based...

WRUP: How to make bird walk edition

Hello and being welcome to What Are You Playing, column that is for creating most excellent guide on subject of common knowledge to human...
john madden john madden john madden john madden

WRUP: The act edition

Move an object from one place to another. Get from one place to another. Avoid being touched by this object. It all seems so simple,...