what are you playing

WRUP. It stands for “what are you playing.” That’s it. Answer the question! [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

john madden john madden john madden john madden

WRUP: The act edition

Move an object from one place to another. Get from one place to another. Avoid being touched by this object. It all seems so simple,...

WRUP: Skeedily-bop edition

Bop, beedy bop, beedy skeedle bop, bebop, bebop, bap! Bap-a-bap-bap, bappy bap, bap, bap, skeedily-bap, skeedily-bop! Skeedily-bop doop do do do, bap bop bap!...

WRUP: Owning a cat vs. owning a jackhammer edition

Cat downsides: Will not break through pavement unless it was really expensive and you would prefer it did not. No standard pneumatic hookups. Few...
why is that the picture omg

WRUP: I overslept and my office is filled with firewood edition

Ah, Saturday, you noble day when I basically forget about time. Nothing I have to do today. Nothing much, anyway. I should check out...

WRUP: How to speak to a cat edition

When the cat is doing nothing: , hello! Hello, ! When the cat needs to be fed: , nummers! Nummy-nums! Kitty, num-nums, here kitty. When the...
It's not illegal!

WRUP: Advertising products we will not sell you edition

Friends, this week's What Are You Playing must highlight the most baffling marketing move I've ever seen. PAX East has often featured some baffling...
This is where

WRUP: What to do if you want to attract a lot of ghosts to your house for some reason edition

So you want to attract a whole lot of ghosts to your house for some reason. Well, far be it from us to stop...

WRUP: Viva owls edition

¡Búhos vivos! Sí, señoras y señores, como transcrito por este idiota estadounidense que no habla una palabra de español en Google Translate, ¡tenemos búhos...
Well, yes.

WRUP: Spot the real names of actual Transformers edition!

As many of you may know, I am a fan of Transformers, which is frequently ridiculous. This is as evident in the names as...
seriously where

WRUP: This just in, we’re lost on the way to the news edition

Thank you, Tom, I'm out here in the field and I do not know what I'm supposed to be covering out here. We are...
in space

WRUP: Space Pilot and the Spacing Spaceteers in Space edition

Space Pilot: The leader of the group, Space Pilot pilots his space pilot ship in space. Where he pilots. He wears a hat. Space Ace:...
This should be easier.

WRUP: How to perform simple tasks edition

Lesson 1: Chewing First, insert the object to be chewed into your mouth. Make sure that it is small enough to fit inside of your...
Like this deli. Not only this deli.

WRUP: The definitive tier list for the old men hanging out at the corner deli edition

Garbage Tier: Jim-Bob None of Jim-Bob's rants go anywhere, his grandchild pictures are severely lacking, his accent is grating, and worst of all is that...

WRUP: What your favorite type of soda says about you edition

Cola: Who knows or cares. Sprite/Sierra Mist/7-UP: You want to have soda, but when someone gives you a cola of some sort you're all like,...
It never happened.

WRUP: The moment never comes edition

Congratulations, champion. You've won. Now leave. What's that? Of course you don't want to leave. You're waiting for the moment to come. You're waiting to...

Massively Overthinking: What are your criteria for recommending MMOs?

Last week, we got a well-intentioned email from a reader named Rick, who proposed a column in which readers tell us what they are...
go chug

WRUP: Introducing the Quintorail edition

Let me ask you something, folks. How often have you tried to take a train in this country only to find that it was...
The HORSE is a noble animal.

WRUP: This sentence is about horses edition

This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about...
Are we actually the police without remembering it?

WRUP: It’s time to figure out if we’re wanted by the police and why edition

All right, everyone, settle down, you're probably wondering why I called this meeting. Let me get right down to it: Last weekend was a...

WRUP: Introducing our cast of characters for 2018 edition

As always, a new year means a new cast of characters, because I hate resolving plotlines and we're not going to be having a...